Her Boss's Baby-Chapter Seven

Start from the beginning

"Why? What did they find?" 

"I'll tell you in a few minutes. I'm only a mile away." 

Jane hung up the phone and sat staring at the picture. How had she not seen someone taking pictures? It wasn't as though the trees were so thick you couldn't see someone standing there. Perhaps the person had a telescope lens, and was far away when they took the picture.

A few minutes later Brian knocked on the door. Jane opened it to let him in and was surprised when he was followed by a large dog. A pure bred German Shepherd. 

"This is Max." Brian told her. "He's going to be your best friend for a while." 

"I'm sorry, what?" Jane reached down to let the dog sniff her before petting him. A blue vest strapped to the dogs chest marked him as a service dog. 

"He's a guard dog." Brain told her, "My best." 

"Okay, I don't understand..." 

"Max is going to be your protector until I can figure out who the fuck is stalking you." 

"I'm not a dog person, Brian." 

"You don't have to be a dog person. He doesn't require anything more than to be let outside every now and then." 

Showing him to the couch, Jane sat beside him. "What did they find?" 

"Samantha Weston's DNA on it." 

Jane was shocked, "How...can that be possible?" 

"Well, it was a small trace of it. When the lab was inspecting the picture for finger prints, they noticed there was some kind of splatter stains. When they tested them, they found it to have Samantha Weston's DNA." 

"What kind of DNA? Blood?"

"No, they are thinking more like saliva or something." 

"But the woman has been dead for five years." 

"I know. Which is why it seems impossible. The lab is guessing that someone had or had something with Samantha's saliva on it and splattered it on the picture before they gave it to you. I am meeting with the detective that worked on her case tomorrow."

"Why would anyone do that?"

"To show you that what they are doing to you is related to what happened to Samantha Weston. The bottom line is that this is related to one of Rain's cases, hence I have to talk to him about it. I will let you talk to him first if you want." 

"I'll tell him tomorrow." 

"No later than that." Brian said. "He's going to call me to yell at me for not telling him in the first place. If you don't tell him by tomorrow night. I will." He stood, "Right now, I'm going to change the locks on your door. Install some new ones on the windows, and make sure this place is secure." 

"What am I supposed to do with him?" Jane pointed to Max who was laying beside her on the floor. 

"You don't have to do anything with him." Brian answered, "He'll let you know when he wants to go out." 

As the big man moved around the apartment installing new locks, Jane sat on the couch with the dog at her side. Reaching down, she scratched his ears. "What am I going to do with a dog?" She murmured. 

Wagging his tail, Max licked her hand before laying his head down on his paws and going back to sleep. 

An hour later, Brian stood at the door, "Alright, I'm out of here. You'll be fine." 

"Doesn't he need food and stuff?" Jane asked. 

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I'll be right back." Brian ran down to the SUV  he'd left at the curb and returned with a duffel bag, and a fluffy dog bed. "Here you go." He laid the bed by the couch. Max immediately ran to it. Turning himself around and around, he finally curled up and laid his head on his paws. 

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