"I was always taught that girls had to wear dresses, they had to be dolls, they had to curtsy, and that they have to be classy. And then I saw myself"

"I'm only human"

"I've had to lie in bed and I've cried so hard to the point where I have to cover my mouth so I couldn't make a sound"

"I've started thinking how everyone's lives would be better off without me"

"You told me you were leaving me because I smoke cigarettes. I stopped smoking in fear of losing you forever. I went by your place to tell you I broke my bad habit. I saw your lips pressing against someone new. My walk home was lonely and the only thing pressed against my lips was a cigarette. I guess it's time to quit my bad habit. you."

"When you fall for someone's personality, everything about them becomes beautiful"

"We could spend the whole day together and I'll still miss you the moment you leave"

"Make your move before I'm gone because people change and hearts move on"

"My world was turned upside down by what I fought to destroy, it turns out that what seemed to be upside down was actually the right side up"

"I can't wait to come home"

"The pain will be temporary, just like you and our love"

"Whatever I did, I would take it all back I'd circle the world for you"

""Tell me what must I do to deserve your love is there anyway I'll ever be good enough?"

"What if we're not ready to say goodbye?"

"I'm okay"

"I'm not okay. I'm just good at pretending I am"

"If I die, don't cry, just look up at the sky, and say goodbye"

"And in that moment all I could think of was....how she could sit there doing nothing and still end up being the most beautiful girl in the world"

"A genius can loose their mind"

"The brave can be terrified"

"The confident can be insecure"

"The light can become dark"

"The powerful can be powerless"

"Don't you wish you could go back to when everything was simple?"

"He's all man and you're all boy"

"Why can't this be over already?"

"What if he stares at you every time you look away?"

"If the whole world was watching"

"Green: the colour of nature, harmony, safety, and growth"

"Blue: the colour of depth, trust, and tranquillity"

"Nightmares are just your mind messing with you, letting your creativity run a little wild"

"When they said that dreams can come true, they forgot that nightmares are dreams too"

"Wise men say only fools rush in"

"But I can't help falling in love with you"

"She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings"

"And into the mountains I go to loose my mind and find my soul"

"The mountains are calling and I must go"

"Just promise me it won't go wrong"

"Let me sleep in your arms and let me listen to your heart beat"

"Love we cannot have often lasts the longest"

Prosthetics do not define true beauty, there is beauty in everything as the little things matter. Society often defines people as ugly with an amputation or a prosthetic or even a disability.

This is a story about a girl who wants to reach for the stars, she has big goals in her mind and dreams to make come true and high hopes for herself but all of that changes in a day.

This is a story about a broken girl who repaired herself who showed the world that there is beauty in everything.

Beauty is often defined by society as a skinny white girl with the perfect beach body.

Beauty in the little things often matter.

Beauty should not be defined by society

MountainsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora