Chapter 1

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          As it grew darker, the air chilling up more, Louis had began walking through the small town of Doncaster. He couldn't help but think back to all the memories of his childhood, he smiled slightly thinking to himself how easy it was, when the only thing that had mattered was if he had the newest toy.  Getting lost in his thoughts, he eventually ended up on a bridge. Just below the bridge, rocky waves lead to a big waterfall. It was beautiful... beautiful enough to end it all.

      He tilted his head up a bit looking behind him, flashing lights and loud noises came from that way indicating there must've been a party. He slid his small feminime-like legs over the edge and just sat there on the rough damp surface, watching them. He remained frozen in that spot, before his hand mindlessy went to his belly, his eyes never leaving the lights.

       "I'm sorry for this.. you wouldn't like it out here though.." he whispered. Tears slowly filled his eyes, this was the last thing he wanted to do, but what else could he do? He had no one to turn to. "I just want you to know.. I did this for us.."

                          Harry's POV

             Everyone thought fame was the American dream, a dream that could get you whatever you wanted in life. In an interview, he would fake a smile and say those rehearsed words, "It's the life!" secretly he was crying for help. Harry thought of it as a conspiracy, he always felt like he was being thrown into a cage and hidden away. People considered him a rich, cocky, manwhore and he had, had it. But there was nothing he could do, he would always be a puppet, getting pulled along to do whatever they wanted him to. Whatever he wanted him to do.

    Harry stormed off, tired of women hanging off of each arm, trying to dance and take there clothes off for him. He was gay for crying out loud, if he couldnt show it at his own parties, then he wouldn't attend his own parties. He heard the shouts for him to come back, but ignored them, his pace quickening a bit, slowing down when the music and voices became more faint. He walked for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes. He couldnt think straight, the whole thing confusing him in the head. Never had he asked for this, it was forced upon him. Fame wasnt a gift, it was a curse. He looked ahead, his eyes squinting a bit, seeing a small figure on a bridge.

                          Louis' s POV

    Louis took a deep breath slowly standing up, he could feel his legs shaking underneath him and he was surprised he hadn't already slipped and fallen in. He stared down for a long time, "Do it for the baby.." he mumbled to himself and closed his eyes, but before he was even able to jump, he felt something pull him back and he stumbled against what felt like a body.

       "Fuck.." A voice muttered. Quickly he turned around and stood up, staring at the man who was on the ground, slowly getting up. He felt his fists clench, more tears filling his eyes, "What the hell? Who do you think you are? You have no right to do that.." he shouted, angrily. He slowly slid down the edge of the stone wall, and covered his face, shaking.

    It just wasnt fair, no one wanted to help him then, but when he makes his own decision, put matters into his own hands someone has to. He stayed in that position, knees tucked under his arms to his chest. He heard shuffling, and someone sitting beside him, "You know.. you could thank me, instead of hurting my eardrums," the man mumbled, causing Louis to just roll his eyes.

       "You dont even know me, I could deserve this you know?" He stood up and began walking away, the last thing he said was. "Go save someone else."

Hope you guys like this .. I'll try to make the next chapter longer, thanks for viewing, please vote x

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