Chapter 4

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                                                              Louis's POV

      "Look, I don’t need you defending me and my work. I don’t need you analyzing it or interpreting me either. And in fact, I’m pretty sure I don’t need you at all."

      "Oh you tell him girlfriend!" Louis shouted at the tv. He was currently watching one of his favorite episodes of One Tree Hill. He was perched on the bed, too focused on the show to even realize that Harry was leaning against the wall next to the bed and had been for about 10 minutes now.

      "I hope you do realize that your way more interesting then the tv set in front of you," Harry spoke up, causing Louis to jump up at least a good foot off the bed.

     "Jesus christ, didn't your mother ever teach you to not scare someone who's pregnant. I just peed a little," he huffed, looking down at his trousers. Harry gave him a look of shock, but made no comment. "How did you get in here anyways?" Louis asked, getting off the bed and turning off the tv.

    "I might've accidently slipped the room key in my pocket before I left, but that doesn't matter right now. Get your shoes on and come on out to the car," he said, before flipping his hood up and walking out.

      Louis did as he was told, but before heading out he gasped, feeling a small kick from the inside of his tummy. "Oh..," he breathed, sinking to his knees slowly and placing a hand on his stomach. Louis hadn't really kept track of how long he'd been pregnant and this was the first he's felt the baby ever kick. Never had he felt such a sensation, it felt weird yet sweet at the same time.  He smiled to himself, a fond look in his eyes as they crinkled in admiration. "Hello to you to..," he mumbled, softly continuing to rub his stomach. Louis's smile was slowly replaced with a frown. This was his baby, his babies first little moment and here Louis was, not being able to share it with the father, let alone anyone. This thought made him feel lost and lonely inside. He had nobody in his life, no one he would ever be able to laugh with, or even cry with. Once these thoughts piled into him, he couldn't seem to stop thinking of more negative things, like how he had thought to kill the child, by ending his own life. By now he was curled up on the floor, his arms still wrapped around him. Feeling like he could just lay there forever he closed his eyes and whispered, "I won't ever leave you.." looking down at his tummy.

                                                             Harry's POV

       "Are you sure you're okay?" Harry asked, as they sat in the small starbucks shop. Harry couldn't seem to stop worrying about the lad. First time he had met Louis, if that's what you want to call it, he had tried jumping off a bridge. The second time he ran into him, he was about to be raped along with having the panic attack. Then just before they left, he had walked in on Louis's body lying on the floor, the sight had made him almost have a panic attack of his own. Harry didn't think he was being paranoid at all about Louis, he concluded that he was just a magnet. A magnet that drew the wrong things and people to him and his mind. He could see the annoyance in Louis's eyes.

       "I'm fine," Louis muttered, causing Harry to sigh out and give up.

     "What's your favorite thing to eat here?" he asked, not wanting to push Louis into something he didn't want to get into.

        Louis made a small shrug of his shoulders, but quickly decided to respond. "Croissants," normally he would just not answer, but he rememeberd he had to give the baby some type of nutrition, it wasn't all about what he wanted now.

      Harry nodded and got up, telling Louis he'd be right back. He waited in line for a short period of time, before he was finally able to order. He was happy no one had seemed to notice him as he did have  pair of glasses on along with his hood. He loved when he could act normal in public without cameras and screams of his name every five seconds. He checked on Louis, as he waited for the food and coffee to be placed on the counter for him, before his eyes widened. He had scanned out the window, and was completley knocked out of his thoughts when he saw his father, along with his body guard, Paul just outside.

    Harry ran to the bathroom, as they walked in. He got in a random stall, lifting his feet up as he sat on the toilet seat. "Shit." he groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. Louis would surely think Harry had ditched him and would hate him for it. He tried thinking of how he could possibly get out of this one, but he knew his father was a patient man. He would wait for him for at least an hour, before he left and boy was Harry good at predicting things. An hour later, Harry checked and sure enough his father's car had just sped off. He looked for Louis, knowing he wouldn't be there. Finding that he was right, he went over to the lady at the front desk, "Excuse me, how long ago did that young man who was sitting at that booth leave?" he pointed it out.

   She looked over, "Oh we actually had to call the paramedics for him, something was wrong with his stom-"

   Harry didn't give her the chance to respond, he bolted out the door as fast as he could.

 Sorry I haven't been updating much. School kind of gets in the way, but I promise to write as much as I can when I can. Please continue to vote and give me input!



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