Chapter 5 - "I'll be fine."

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After rehearsing what I was going to tell Rose, Derek opened the door and invited her and Jake in.

"Am I allowed to know what's going on now?" Rose was growing impatient.

Jake looked at me and I gave him a just follow my lead face. He nodded.

"He was telling the truth." I started, motioning towards Jake. "I wasn't honest with you about my job."

"Why?" Rose asked, concern written on her face.

"Because I was scared." I paused. "The truth is... The truth is that I lost my job. And I didn't want to tell anyone because I was afraid you would be disappointed in me." I hated this. I hated lying.

"Oh honey.. I love you and so did your parents. How could you think we would be disappointed in you?" She moved to hug me. "But if you work with this guy then where were you working?" She asked.

She didn't ask out of suspicion, just curiosity.

Well shit. I forgot that part. Where am I working? Common on Adeline, think of something.

"We work as assistants." Jake interjected. I looked at him with wide eyes, as if asking what the hell he was doing.

"Assistants? What kind of assistants?" Rose asked.

"Well um.." I was trying to buy myself time to think.

"Its okay if you don't remember Ad, I'll tell her." Derek stepped forward.

Thank the heavens!

"After she lost her original job, they hired her on as an assistant to one of their senior writers." He said it so calmly, like they were just having a normal conversation. He was good at lying.. Maybe because he was used to it.

"Oh well at least you're still at the publishing house." Rose smiled. She bought it. "You know, your mom and dad would have understood."

"Not that I really remember, but I guess I was just scared." I replied.

Rose just smiled and hugged me.

"So, now that that's out of the way," She let out a deep breath. "Can we finally go home?"

"I'd love that." I smiled.

"I guess I'll let you guys have family time then." Jake said. "But now that you know who I am, I'd like to take you to the office. Everyone would love to see you; when you're feeling better, that is."

"Yeah maybe." I had so many questions to ask him. Sure, I had talked to Derek but I actually worked with this guy. I could only imagine the things that he knew about me and it made me excited.


After leaving the hospital, we went to Rose's apartment where I would be staying. Derek helped me off the car and into the lobby. It was nice. There were a few couches along with nicely placed tables.

Wow she lives in a nice place. I thought.

We went into the elevator and Rose pushed the button for the 8th floor. There were ten floors total.

As I stepped into her apartment, I was amazed. It was such a pretty place. And bigger than I expected. She had large glass doors that led out to a nice balcony, overlooking the city. I stepped out on the balcony, watching the traffic go by on the street below.

"Sometimes, on a clear day, you can see the beach from here." Rose walked up behind me. "Perks of living in Santa Monica." She smiled.

"Its so pretty."

As looked around the city, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by this life I was living. Absolutely nothing was familiar.

After getting settled into the guest room, Rose and I ate dinner. We talked and she recalled memories that the two of us had shared over the years. I was glad to be with her. She was so sweet and understanding. She had even said that there was no need to call her "Aunt Rose" since she's not much older than me anyway. We talked well into the night.

"I'm getting tired." I yawned.

"Me too." She said, laying her head back on the couch. "We better get to bed... You need your rest."


I didn't sleep well. Who am I kidding, I hadn't slept well in weeks. I didn't know if it was because of the pain I was in or the fact that I didn't even know who I was. No matter, I tossed and turned night after night.

It wasn't until about a week after getting out of the hospital that I actually slept through most of the night.

"Sleep any better tonight?" Rose asked as she spotted me walking down the hall towards the kitchen.

"I did, actually." I smiled.

"Well good." She raised a cup of coffee to her lips and took a sip. "My week vacation is over so I need to get back to work." She said. She had this fancy job at some computer server place in LA. She had tried to explain to me exactly what it was that she did but I never quite got it. I blame it on this stupid brain injury.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be fine." I assured. I could tell she was nervous about leaving me alone.

"If you want, I can see if Derek will come t-"

"Rose.." I cut her off. "I'm fine. Really, I am. Just go back to work and kick ass."

"Okay." She complied. "But if you need anything at all.."

"I'll call you." I finished.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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