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Michaels P.O.V

The sounds coming into my head again.

kill yourself.  kill yourself just like you killed your friend. You don't deserve to live. Kill yourself.

I cried allowing the tears to hit my shirt.


Meanwhile I saw Braden rocking back and forth in the same corner. This time she kept talking about a little girl that she saw.

She pulled her hair. She described the girl as angry and upset. I was worried.

"Michael get away, she's going to hurt you!" she yelled.

"Get away!" she yelled again. I stepped back allowing the doctors to give her medicine.


Bradens P.O.V

I woke up in a bed. Not the regular cell bed a different bed. I got up to look around. There were no windows to see anything. I yelled hoping for a sign of anyone. No one was there.

"Hey its ok." a voice said. I squealed. Not realizing anyone was there.

"It's me Calum." he said

"Oh where are we." I asked.

"well turns out we both had a breakdown so they took us to this isolated room." he said.

"So what happened to you are you ok." I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just that I have lots of panic attacks." he said.

"I know but when did they start." I asked.

"There was one night when..."

Before he could finish a security guard said we could go. Calum looked at me and left. What happened that night. I shook away my thoughts and focused on going to lunch. I bumped into Michael.

"Hey are you ok?" he asked his faded green eyes looking into mine.

"Yeah thanks for asking." I said.

"You know every time I see your scars it makes me sad." he said rubbing his fingers against my scarred arms.

"Why do you do that to yourself, you're too beautiful to do that to yourself." he said.

"I don't know I just.." I paused trying to keep the tears from spilling from my eyes.

"Come here." he said pulling me in for a hug. I could hear his beating heart. His chin dug into my somewhat frail scalp.

"I'll always be here." he said rubbing circles onto my back.

"I'll be here for you too." I said. I let go of his warm hug once someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Braden someone is here to come visit you." a secretary said. I glanced at Michael who gave me a smile.

"What me really." I said in shock. No one had visited for 11 years. I was surprised.

I walked to the front desk to see a familiar face.

"Hey baby." he said. It was my mom and dad.

"W...what are you two doing here." I asked not wanting them to be in my presence.

"We came to see how you were doing." they said.

"Really after 11 years, you didn't even bother to call for my birthdays" I yelled.

"We're sorry we were busy." they said.

"Really busy with what?" I yelled.

"Your brother Marc he...

"He what" I said.

"He died 4 years ago in a car accident." they said. My heart had literally fell out of my chest. I could feel my stomach churning. I wanted to throw up. I began crying the tears stinging my face. Marc was my 2nd oldest brother. Me and him weren't as close but we still loved eachother. I could feel a tall figure behind me.

"We were going to tell you but we thought it would be too much for you to handle." they said.

"just leave." I yelled.

"But we love you"

"Yeah that's why you put me in here right?." I asked. They rolled their eyes then walked out the door. Leaving me and Michael in the hallway alone.

"I'm so sorry." he said holding me tightly.

"I don't know what to do." I said. He rubbed my back as I sobbed into his chest.

"I know what it's like to lose someone." he said. I lifted my head off of his chest.

"Who did you lose?" I asked becoming more curious.

"it's a really long story." he said his face becoming pale.

"Michael are you ok." I asked.

"No, I mean yes, I mean I have to go." he said walking away.

What happened to Michael? The thoughts still weighing my mind. What did he do? Was it bad? As I was walking back to my room I saw Luke walking past. His eyes wide.

"Luke what's wrong." I said.

"It's Ashton he's having one of his meltdowns again." he said. I ran down the hall. Hoping to see my friend Ashton. There he was sitting in the corner crying.

I sat down next to him. Wrapping my arms against his helpless body. His tears hitting my shirt like bullets. He tried speaking in hitched breath.

"It's my fault that he died." he said.

"That who died." I said curious.

"M..Mason my best friend." he said.

"Well how did he die?" I said.

"It was at a beach party, he told me not to leave him alone cause it was his first party. He was a frail person." he said

"Then what." I asked

"I don't know how he died but I'm guessing it had to do with water cause the doctors found water in his lungs." he said.

"I'm so sorry Ash." I said

"It's okay I just wish I knew who killed him." he said wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

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