New book!

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Just wanted to tell you I'm starting a new book, so go check it out if you liked this one. It's obviously a romance/teen fiction because what else would a badboy-lover write? 

Updates for the new book may be inconsistent because I really want to focus on writing something good. However, getting feedback on it will definitely encourage me to write faster/more often;) 

I feel Lethal Love was rushed, and to be honest I think half of it is poorly written due to lack of inspiration while I was writing it. It's full of plot-holes, the characters are dense and I feel I overall didn't do my best work on it. 

I am super-grateful for all the love and support I've gotten for this book though, and I love every single one of you who has read/voted/commented on it.  But in this new book I want to focus more on the writing as well as the plot and characters.

The book is called 'In All the Betweens'. 

Give it a read and tell me what you think of it so far! (There are currently 3 chapters up (09/30/1018))


Falling in love is scary. And falling in love for the first time is absolutely terrifying.

Very confused, seriously infatuated and a little bit angry at life seem to be the only states Rosalie Benson is in at the moment. And it's all thanks to Alexander Woods.

Handsome, charming and totally dangerous territory. That is what Alexander Woods is. And how can she possibly resist someone like that?

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