19 ; Perfect Blanket

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I have a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach all throughout the ride. Jackson keeps quiet but he has a smile tugging at his lips. The sky is beginning to darken and I can see the end of a sunset between the trees we're passing by. A faded pink tints the sky in the horizon, stretching into a darker blue over the treetops. 

The car slows down in a parking lot and the house besides it is vaguely familiar. 

"You're taking me to meet the parents?" I tease.

Jackson snorts. "You wish."

He walks to the front door, unlocks it, and steps inside. I follow him in and my mind flashes back to the last time I stood in front of his door. I shiver at the thought.

You shouldn't be here. 

My mind keeps telling me it's a bad idea to be around him. And I know my mind is right. But the butterflies in my stomach are telling me to get closer.

Jackson takes a left down the hall and I follow him until we're in the kitchen. It's big and modern looking with black marble countertops and shelves in white wood. The floor-to-cieling windows give us a view of a serene looking landscape. I never noticed how far out of the town his house was. There are a few other houses placed between the trees, but it is mostly just scattered forrest. 

"You want something to drink?" he asks. Jackson opens the fridge and gets a carton of orange juice.

"No I'm good, thanks."  

"You want anything to eat?" He takes a swig directly from the carton, making me grimace in disgust.

"You should really use a glass. That's disgusting."

"I'm the only one drinking from it."

I raise my eyebrows. "Your parents don't drink orange juice?"

"I live alone."

My brain halts for a few seconds. He lives alone? At the age of 18? 

"Wow. That must be..." I don't know how to finish the sentence and Jackson notices my surprise. 

"Awesome? I know, I've heard it before. I mean, no curfew. No rules. No parents. I'm living the teenage dream." His voice is neutral, as if he's stating facts. But I don't know if he's trying to convince me or himself.

"I was gonna say lonely..." My voice is quiet. 

Jackson doesn't respond for a while. He's studying me again, like if he stares long enough he'll be able to see right through me. I swallow my nerves that are creeping up. Jackson clears his throat and place the juice carton back in the fridge.

"You hungry?" he asks.

My eyes follow his every move as he walks towards me. His strides are getting closer and I back up until my back hits the counter. Jackson leaves about a foot of space between us, but thats way too close for me to function properly.

"Ye-Yeah. Sure." 

Jackson smirks and takes a small step closer until our chests are touching. He places his hands on the counter, caging me in. I'm taking deep breaths, trying really hard not to think about his body against mine. 

"Do I make you flustered?" His eyes are roaming my face and neck and he licks his lips, making me lick my own.

"N-No. Of c-course not." I try keep my voice calm, as if not affected by him. 

My calm dissolves when Jackson leans in closer. His mouth is mere centimeters from my own. I spot a smirk tugging at his lips. When I think he's about to lean the last centimeter he dodges my lips so his mouth is next to my ear. 

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