
Me, Vivian Arella Adams, aborted a child? 

"Do you hear how stupid you sound?" I said, crossing my arms across my chest, I'm not a cold hearted person, if i got on my back and did it i'm 200% imma take care of the result, i was desperate for a child for Pete sake now i have two that i love unconditionally.

His nosed flared, " I'm stupid? Your the stupid ass bitch who aborted my child who could've been three by now!" 

I lifted my right eyebrow at him, he knows i would never consider something like that after what happened with Andre. I've always been a person who wanted kids, after losing one what makes him think i would stomp that low down. 

Ignoring the fact he called the B word, "Look Kendrick, i was never pregnant by you. I never aborted a child. All that happen was, one morning i woke up and you were gone. I go to Loren and she tells me that you told me that you didn't love me anymore, that you cut the engagement off." 

"Your trying to say my sister a lie?" He gritted, 

"I ain't calling her a 'lie', she wasn't being truthful though. But listen Kendrick, if you listen to your sister and take her words before coming to me and getting answers and wait four years,  then i don't know what to tell you."

 He sighed, "Can you answer a question for me?" 

"What is it Kendrick?" i sighed, do you know what time it was? its night time and all i wanna do is play with my babies and lay under Chris. 

"Do you still love me?" 

I low key wanted to do that hand motion from this picture that Chris showed me, i guess it called dafuq, i don't know but some girl with a long ass forehead and a 'ponytail' with a mean mug on her face. That's the face i wanted to make. 

"No." i said. He frowned. Was i suppose to? Did i love him the day after he left, yes. Did i love him a month after he left, yes, six months, yeah. a year, nah. 

"Kendrick, it's been four years, i've moved on." 

He nodded before it became silent between us. You don't understand how much i wanted to literally shut the door on him. But i restrained, i'm not rude. Nope, that just not me.

"Four years makes you forget feelings? I still love you." 

And i use to love raisins four years ago, and i hate them now.

"Four years told me to grow up and get over my feelings for you, you left without telling. Back then, i would wanted to hear that you still loved me and you went to fight for our country but no you sister wanted to be liar, but i thank her for lying." 

He frowned, "Why would you thank her?! she ruined us!" 

I shrugged, "I don't care no more, i moved on. I have somebody else and my kids. Kendrick, it's late just leave." 

He sighed before turning around, i didn't say anything and he didn't say nothing as i stepped back in the house just for him to grasp my arm and pull me into him. Immediately, i felt his lips on mines. Pushing him off me violently. he stumbled back a little and smirked. 

I smirked back, i got something for his ass. 

I crossed my arms across my chest, "You really kiss people not knowing where their lips been? Because me and my boyfriend just got done doing something quiet interesting." 

He frowned, "What-" 

I sucked his dick. "Oh nothing, tell your sister i'll have a talk with her really soon, and hopefully you two don't share the same trait of lying, but tell her me and her, aren't friends." 

And with that I closed the door. I wanted to say it but i went against it, he don't need to know what me and Chris do. He'll probably get jealous. Haha. 

When I walk back into the living room, Chris was holding both twins as they slept and he had his feet on the coffee table. Without looking at me, he spoke. "Who was that?" 

I groaned, "Give me a minute, I need to wash my mouth a few times." i gagged, that kiss was so disgraceful. When i made to one of the bathrooms near the stairs, i reached under the sink and grabbed a new toothbrush, and some mouth wash. I brushed my teeth twice and gargled some mouthwash three times. 

When i went back in the living room, Chris was now by himself, i guess he actually put the girls in their cribs, didn't know he had the guts to do it. Getting on the couch, i laid my head on him. 

"Now who was he?" he questioned, 

"An Ex, ex-fiance of four years, somebody who don't matter." 

He turned around and raised an eyebrow, "What did you two talk about?" 

I shrugged, "He coming at me with false bullshit that 'occured' four years ago because his sister told him." 

"Bad thing, he kissed me and i had to disinfect my mouth." i shivered, Chris laughed. 

Since when a man laughs when another kissed their girlfriend?

"On the bright side, i'm down to three best friends." 

He stopped laughing and looked at me. "Who not your friend anymore?" 

"Loren. but your not mad that he kissed me?" 

"Nah.. Just don't get mad if i get kissed by one of my ex's." he smirked,

I stood up in front of him, "Don't think i don't know what happened at the club with Morgan." 

His whole facial expression changed, and he put his hands up as if he was surrendering. "Aye, i didn't do anything, just got the bitch off of my lap." 

"Nobody deserves to be called a bitch." i stated, he pulled me closer to him so that my navel was at his face,

"Said by the women who cussed out her doctor when she was giving birth." he taunt. 

"You try to push two kids out, and see how much it hurts." 

He smirked, "When i push kids out it don't hurt, it comes out as pleasure." 

I scrunch my face as he laughed. I can't deal with him.

"Your stomach is warm." he said off topic... He must be sleepy-- nah, he's always like this. 

"Of course.." i trialed off. After a minute of two with him laying his head against my stomach i yawned. I was tired and we should get some sleep before the girls wake up at their destnated feeding time. 

"Carry me upstairs.." i said, he smacked his lips before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. 


.... vote and comment i guess. 

~Under ten chapters left...... 


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