chapter 2

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Aurell POV

Today Aubrey and I finally met up to talk and hang out .

" Hey . "

" Wassup Aurell . " he said as he hugged me .

" So , how have you been . " he asked , breaking the silence .

" Fine , now that I can finally hang out with my bestfriend . " I stated while we laughed

" Well , I'm sorry that we haven't been hanging out as much as we used to . "

" It's fine , just remember that you have to make time for me too because I'm your best friend and I've been here since the beginning . Okay ? "

" Okay . " he said while smiling at me

" So , today what are we going to do today ? "

" Well you know that carnival downtown ? " he asked .

" Yes . "

" Well that's where we're going. "

" Yass ! " I said as he laughed at me .


" I don't see how they could be sold out of gummy worms , like that really pissed me off . " I stated while walking off from the concession stand .

" Calm down . It's not that serious . " he said while laughing

" Aubrey that shit is not funny . I've been craving gummy worms all day . "

" Okay . Okay . Imma buy you some . "

" Thank you . " I said while smiling

Jasmine's POV

Imma get this straight , I DONT like Aurell at all . I may seem like I do but I only act like that when Aubrey' s around to make him happy .

" Where the fuck is he . " I said to myself heated at the fact that he was supposed to be here with me .

I called his phone at least 20 times today and he still hasn't answered his phone .

" I swear if this boy don't answer this phone we gone have some prob--. " I said as I got cut of by my phone ringing .


As Aubrey and I were walking back to his car his phone kept ringing until he finally answered it . As I glanced over I saw that it read 20 missed calls , 5 new text , and 3 voicemails .

" Dang , she won't give you a break huh ? " I said as he answered his phone .

I mean I don't really have a problem. with Jasmine , it's just that she always think that I'm trying to take Aubrey from her and she a undercover hoe . I hate how Aubrey falls for that stupid shit . She could be fucking around with the crew and next minute you know she's calling Aubrey telling him to come home because she misses him . Like, the stuff she does goes right past him.

" Alright , let's go . " He said tiredly.

We drove around for like 20 minutes until we landed back at my house . As we were walking upstairs I already knew what we were doing . So, I went to grab my laptop to pull up Netflix and then I went back downstairs to get the snacks . Once I got back upstairs Aubrey had already stripped out of his shirt . Lord he doesn't know the things that he does to me . Once we got situated I took my laptop and sat in the bed with him .

" Whatchu' wanna watch . " he said

" I mean it doesn't really matter because I'll be falling asleep sooner or later . " I replied

" True, true . "

Once he found a movie to watch , moved over and laid closer to him . We always do this so Aubrey doesn't have a problem it . After that I fell
asleep . I don't know what it is but every time I'm in his arms or with him I feel so safe .

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