I showered and got ready, eventually gazing at my reflection in the mirror. Deeming myself presentable enough for my first day, I made my way downstairs into the kitchen. Standing at the stove was Daylin, cooking what looked to be an omelet. He had always been the better chef, always. He'd gotten the skill from our mom. I had been too young to learn from her, unfortunately.

"Smells yummy," I felt myself crack a small smile as I spoke, moving to grab some plates from the cupboard.

Daylin snorted, amused. "I could hear you from a mile away, kiddo. Between the creaky floorboards and your stumblin', there's no way you'll be sneaking outta here anytime soon."

I laughed, my head tilting back slightly. "Hey, no fair. I wasn't even trying to be quiet," I mused playfully, pouring myself some orange juice.

"Eve, you couldn't sneak around if your life depended on it," Daylin gave me a playful glare, plating the food he had just finished cooking. We took our seats at the table, before digging in.

We were nearly done with breakfast before he spoke up once again.

"I know you're nervous about... school. But uh, I want you to know, um," he struggled to find the right words to say, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked down at his plate. I smiled softly at him, comforted that he was attempting to calm me down. Daylin had always been protective, and I knew this was just him voicing his worries.

"I'll be okay, Day. Don't worry about me. Now c'mon, I've got to get to school." Daylin nodded gingerly at my words, pursing his lips as he finished up his meal. When everything was cleaned up, we made our way out to his police cruiser. I inwardly sighed at the sight, already dreading the idea of arriving at school in it. I wasn't embarrassed that my brother was a cop, I just knew it would bring unwanted attention.

The ride to school was surprisingly not quiet. Daylin spoke the entire way, listing off rules and concerns.

"Just be careful of the football players, ok? I know that sounds cliche, but trust me, they're probably bad– Oh, and the baseball players! You know what, just stay away from the athletes."

While I found his dramatic worrying quite funny, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Daylin's biggest concerns were my safety, grades, and of course: boys. At my previous school, he'd consistently warned me of the senior males, even though I'd been a junior.

It wasn't that he didn't trust me, he just didn't trust other people.

Upon pulling up to the high school, my worries were just as real as I had assumed they'd be. People stared at the police car, arching eyebrows and whispering. Forks was a tiny town, and only a few of the students' parents were police officers, none of which drove them to school in their cars.

Daylin pulled up near the front in the parking lot, letting out one final sigh. "Remember to turn in your paperwork, oh, and stay away from-"

"Athletes, I know Day, I know."

"I was gonna say, boys, actually~"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, the playful glint in Daylin's eyes showing that he wasn't serious. Even so, I knew there was a slight truth to his words. The idea of me getting a boyfriend made Daylin's skin crawl and his blood boil. As far as he was concerned, nobody on earth was good enough for his baby sister.

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