The Summer War - Chapter 2

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After Orhene, and her friends with the help of Peppermint, and her group they manage to escape Ace’s ambush that he set up and started the “Summer War” on both of them. Orhene, and Peppermint didn’t want to team up but it the only way they can stop Ace’s and his boys from school. Ace nearly got eighty percent of the boys on his side. Orhene, and Peppermint knows this was going to be a long summer.

(Morning time 9 a.m, Orhene’s House)

Everyone was chatting, with each other talking about different hobbies, and other things to get the “Summer War” off their mind for a while until they figure out a plan on how they can take Ace down for good.

“Alright alright ladies. I need yours and Peppermints attention please.” Orhene said getting everyone attention. Everyone stopped talking and looked at both of their leaders.

“Now me, and Orhene were talking, and she makes a good point were a group now, and we have to act like a team until Ace is stopped. But I feel like we should all introduce ourselves so we can get to know one another. Allow me to go first. My name is Peppermint. As you all know including my group I am the founder, and leader of “Sweet Princesses” . I’m bit of a girly girl sometimes if you ladies can’t tell by the dresses I wear, but I’m a dangerous lady too” Peppermint said introducing herself.

“My name is Orhene Orheu. I am the leader of “F.E.A.T.H.E.R” or known before when I made this group with my friends when were little “The Little Bandits” “F.E.A.T.H.E.R” is a term it stands for Female, Excitement, Awesome, Team, Handful, Energetic, Rebels. I know and trust my girls, for a long time now. They have my back, and I have there back. I am also proud to be their leader too.” Orhene said with a strong tone showing, why she is the leader of the group.

“The name is Aqua. I am second command of the group “F.E.A.T.H.E.R.” I am the brains in this group, who basically who take care of the planning, and routing. I might be a nice girl but my brain does most of the work” Aqua said introducing herself then Red Vine got up from the floor.

“My name is Red Vine or R.V for short. I wasn’t brought in too “Sweet Princesses” because of my looks, or brains but because Peppermint saw my ability of hitting points of the body, and temporally paralyzing them. Also Peppermint and the rest of everyone in this group made me feel like family. Everyone else who I thought I was friends with just used me because of my special ability. But Peppermint brought me and she made me happy.” Red Vine said.

“Aww that’s so sweet of you Peppermint!” Orhene said nudging Peppermint, but all Peppermint did was grin.

“Now that she done. My name is Korn or people know me as the “The Cocky Diva” because of the way I dress, and act to people. I might look like a little pretty diva but  I am pretty quick. I love to run, and I am probably the fastest girl in our due to fact that not even the guys track boys can keep up with me. I also know how to mess with paintball gun, so if anyone needs a tune up just ask me and I’ll make you’re paintball gun look brand new. But then again you “F.EA.T.H.E.R.” girls wouldn’t be able to handle or hold a tune up gun like mines HAHAHAHAA” Korn said laughing but Peppermint wasn’t laughing.

“KORN!” Peppermint said with a serious tone.

“Right…..I’m sorry. Especially to you Peppermint” Korn said bowing to everyone.

“My name is Maria. And you ladies should know the rumors in school for being the best male tickler. Tickling and interrogation is what I do in a group. Because once I got you right in the palm of my hands or fingers you’ll never be the same ever again. Manicures are my best friend when it comes to ticking men because the of the smooth layers of the nail gilding down the smooth bare body, I don’t care what part not even you will be able to survive it.” Maria said with pride wiggling her fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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