Intervention: Miyuki Edition

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*Time Skip-The Next Day*

"Don't leave," Miyuki pleaded as he pulled his covers even further all the way to his chin. "It's so cold." He complained feeling Ai's body heat leaving his bed.

"It's 10:00am already, don't be lazy!" Ai playfully chastised him as she tied her pale pink satin robe over her nightgown of the same color apparently not feeling the cold weather like her boyfriend.

"But we are on our winter break," The catcher continued whining. "There is no reason to wake up early."

"I'm an early bird anyways," She said as she watched him in amusement. "You can stay in bed if you want. I'll make you breakfast." She proposed in a sing-song tone.

"There is no need for that babe," Miyuki said touched as he wrapped himself in the covers. "I'm not hungry and also... I just want you here." He added as he patted her side of his queen-size mattress.

Ai rolled her eyes as she giggled and complied with his wishes. "I'm not hungry either." She said as she went under the covers and snuggled against his chest.

"You are the off the hook for now since I'm not hungry either," The catcher teased as he pulled her closer to his body. "But aren't you cold? I'm freezing." He asked as he suppressed a shiver.

It would be an understatement to say that Miyuki doesn't like the cold.

She rubbed his arms trying to make him warmer. "I'm not cold because it's not that cold," She replied in a matter-of-factly tone. "Stop being such a baby!" Ai teased him. "Your covers are really thick and you are wearing a long-sleeve shirt and long pajama pants." She pointed to his plaid pants and grey shirt.

"It's called being appropriately dressed for the weather." Miyuki retorted. "What are YOU wearing? That nightgown is so flimsy," He continued as he touched her and almost immediately retrieved his hand. "Your body is so cold! How can you not be freezing?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Ai half-lied as she buried her face in his chest not wanting to face him.

"Ai?" Miyuki suspiciously called out.

"Yes?" She said in an oh-so-innocent tone.

"You are not wearing that just because you are with me right?" He asked in a suspicious tone as he looked down at her.

"No, I always sleep with my nightgowns." Ai replied smoothly without meeting his eyes.

The catcher made a noncommittal sound. Not quite believing her. Ai would never admit to something like that because she knows how silly she would sound. However he decided not to press the issue since he was trying to be the best boyfriend in the history of best boyfriends ever.

Ai soon grew restless and decided to scan the all white room as her eyes darted out from his desk that had Miyuki's half-open bookbag and laptop by the window on the far side of his room, her duffel bag by the door parallel to the bed, and on her left there was his closet next to a dark wooden drawer. It was simple and only equipped with the necessary things. No posters on the walls or any other decorative aspects in the room. It was practical. Very much like Miyuki.

It was also...

"Look! We didn't put your clean clothes in the closet yesterday." Ai said as she noticed the pile of clothes on top of the drawer that was supposed to be hanged in the closet after they did the laundry yesterday.

"It doesn't matter," Miyuki waved it off. "I'll do it later."

"No way! It has to be done now." She said determinedly as she untangled herself from Miyuki's begrudging figure and walked towards the closet. Ai liked everything to be organized and neat.

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