A little bit of alcohol never hurt

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The music was deafening, the floor vibrated to the beat. The house was huge to say the least. The basement was full of people dancing, same with the living room. The music came from a DJ booth and large speakers. The kitchen had coolers full of beer cans and pops to mix with the bottles on the counter. Red solos littered the floor. Kurt, Mercedes and Rachel were slowly making their way to the kitchen when Kurt spotted a Mohawk and a head peeking over top everyone else "Look! It's Puck and Finn!" Kurt yelled to the two over the music.

Puck is dancing with some girl that Kurt didn't recognize while Finn awkwardly stood by drinking something. Mercedes waved to them and Rachel ran up to Finn. Kurt and Mercedes followed behind her, wading threw the mass of people dancing. "Hey, Kurt. I didn't know you were home this weekend." Finn said as he picked up his shorter brother in a hug. "Finn! You're wrinkling my shirt and messing up my hair!" Kurt protests until Finn put him back on his feet. "Yeah, I missed you guys so I came home last minute." He smiled

Puck gives Kurt a quick hug "What made you change your mind about partying?" Puck asked Kurt, the girl Puck was with seemed to have disappeared. Kurt turned to Mercedes and Rachel. "Those two begged me to." The five of them began to laugh. "So where are your drinks?" Puck shouted over everyone else. The group soon found themselves in the crowded kitchen. Puck started mixing some drinks while Kurt went for a can of Pepsi.

"Kurt, you promised you'd drink with us." Rachel said when she saw him with the pop. "Fine. Puck can you-" he started to say before Puck interrupted "yeah I'll mix for you." He said grabbing Kurt's pop and pouring half into the already half full cup. "Thanks." Kurt said to Puck when he handed him the drink. "It's time to dance!" Mercedes shouted.

The five of them made their way back to the dance floor with their drinks. Mercedes and Rachel where on the dance floor with Puck and Finn. When they asked Kurt to dance he declined "I'm just going to watch. This just isn't my style." he shrugged. "Come on Kurt!" Rachel begged. "Later." that was enough to satisfy her. There he was, alone on a couch watching his friends dance. His mind began to wonder. Thoughts of how he missed his dad, Carol and Finn, Glee club, why he transferred clouded his thoughts.


Kurt was ecstatic. His dad, Burt, had just gotten married to Carol. His mind was occupied by happy thoughts. After his new stepbrother Finn sang to him at the wedding reception he thought things would get better. Maybe the bullies would lay off a bit since he was now the quarterbacks new step brother.

But he'll never know if it would have worked. His dad ask the principle, Mr.Figgins, to have a meet with David Karofsky and his dad. Kurt didn't pay much attention to what the adults were saying. He simply stared at the floor trying to avoid David's glare. By the end of it Karofsky was suspended on his own fathers insistence. But Kurt knew it wouldn't last forever. After the suspension was over Karofsky would hate Kurt even more.

Kurt was walking his dad out when Burt stopped him "Kurt. I know this is hard," he paused, trying to form the words. "but I think it would be best if you transferred." Burt said with a heavy sigh. "What- no. I can't leave-I have Glee and my friends and-" Kurt stuttered his protests. "I know, Kurt, I know. Carol and I looked up this fancy school you might like. It has an enforced no bully policy." He said to Kurt. "There's no such thing." Kurt stated.

"Kurt we already enrolled you. You start tomorrow." Burt said to his son. "That's not fair. I don't want to leave, I can handle the bullies" Kurt was more then upset. His emotions swirled within him like a storm. Anger that his dad didn't consult him in the decision of his own education. Frustration with the people that bullied him. Sadness for having to leave. Remorse for his father to have to deal with this in his condition.

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