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"ashton, i just don't think this is working anymore."

"what do you mean, it isn't working?"

"i mean, i met someone else."

ashton sighed. "who is it, scarlett?"

the voice on the other end of the line giggled. "michael. michael clifford?"

blood rose to ashton's cheeks and flames of anger flashed through his eyes. "you mean that jackass on that show with you?"

"yeah, him. wait.. you didn't think you really had a chance with me after i got this, did you?"

ashton swallowed the lump in the back of his throat.

"aw, you did? that's so sweet. anyway, mike's taking me out in a few minutes, so i'm going. later, babe." ashton heard the too familiar smack of the girl's lips before the phone clicked, and she was gone.

ashton swore under his breath.

"what's up with you?" his bestfriend, luke, asked, appearing at his side and noticing his distressed face.

ashton ran his left hand through his hair as he shoved his phone in his pocket with the other. "scarlett. she's with some new guy now, uh, michael clifford?"

luke chuckled. "you mean that burnout on that show she's on now? ah, shit. i'm sorry, dude."

"i mean.. it's not that big of a deal, is it?"

"you just got dumped by the queen bitch, scarlett graham, you know, the whole reason you're as popular as you are?"

ashton scoffed. "she isn't the whole reason, you asshat. she isn't the reason i'm the soccer captain, or class president, or any of that. she came, you know, a few months later."

"well, you still wouldn't be as great as everyone thinks you are if it weren't for you dating the hottest bitch on campus, who now is on some show on mtv. well, i mean, if you weren't formerly dating the hottest bitch on campus."

"i'll be just fine without scarlett. i don't care what you think, i made her. not the other way around. and i could do the same thing to any other girl around."

luke raised his eyebrows. "any other girl?"

"yeah. any other one."

"you're sure about this?"

ashton nodded. "i'm telling you, without me, scarlett graham would have just been some hot girl."

"fine. let's make this interesting."

"what are you on about, hemmings?"

"well, let's make a bet."

"what kind of bet?"

luke licker his bottom lip. "i'm gonna choose any girl on this entire campus, alright? and i bet you can't 'make' her, as you say you did scarlett."

"i bet i fucking can."

"fine. uh.. how about... her?" luke pointed at a girl clad in a long skirt and a black top. her hair was dark and slightly frizzy, and it reached her mid back. a pair of black frames covered her eyes, and there wasn't a spot of makeup on her face.

ashton nodded. "give her the right look, the right boyfriend, and bam, in six weeks, she's being named prom queen."

"that's it! you have six weeks, irwin, and if that girl isn't named prom queen, then you have to go to graduation naked." luke stuck out an empty palm, for ashton to shake.

"fine." ashton placed his hand in luke's and shook before he noticed the girl in the skirt trip and drop a handful of books. ashton decided this would be the perfect time to begin, and he ran over.

"are you alright?" he asked, leaning over to help her. he took her hand and pulled her upright to face him. she timidly nodded and used a finger to push her glasses up slightly. hm, ashton thought, she really isn't horrid looking. "i'm ashton. ashton irwin."

"i know." she said. she turned to walk away, but ashton placed a hand on her shoulder.

"wait," he began, "can i get your name?"

the girl sighed. "mia copeland."

this time, she pulled away and got halfway down the sidewalk into the school.

"do you think i could see you again sometime?" ashton called after her.

she turned and locked her eyes with his. "probably not." and with that, she was lost in a sea of students.

"fuck," ashton cursed.

luke giggled as he throws an arm across ashton's shoulders. "six weeks, irwin. have fun."


so uh yeah ill probably finish this super fast and then continue with the other two stories yes ok also sorry for how short the chapters are

picture is skye stracke aka scarlett

she's all that -- ashton irwinKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat