I am being reborn again! But on a different world

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Ah, I can feel annoyance in the whole place, maybe I should stop. The space is nice, actually, But I feel the need to vomit all of a sudden.

"Ugh, Fine. Here, a black white space."

Ohoho, the voice can hear my thoughts, eh? I'll stop now.

" . . . " I can still hear you.

"So, weird voice that seems to come out, out of nowhere. What do you need from me? Surely, there must be a reason for bringing me here?"

Ah, good, good. I think I gulped down the incoming rainbow. Ugh, bad. Ahaha, see. I can feel disgust in the air. This is quite fun actually.

I wonder how brother is doing . . .

"Sin. I'll give you another life. Those 154 other souls will also have another chance of reincarnation but on different worlds. You can ask for 2 wishes , because I'm cheap like that, and I'll grant them. So, what would you like?"

I tap my chin and smiled a little. I read in novels like this that a phone with internet would be useful. But, I don't like phones so It'd be better if it's just like a game screen that's only visible to me. Like, how cool would that be?

"Hmm, I'll grant that as your first."

"Hey, you fart. Stop invading privacy. I'll sue you, you know."

I hear the voice snort but thankfully shuts up anyway. I know I'm being a brat but, forgive me this once. Actually, I don't care what you think. I only care about Zai nii-chan.

Ah and, yes. I am a bro con.

The owner of the voice formed a plan for this bro con brat, maybe she'll make him be in an otome game? Yes, that's good.

But of course, I didn't hear those thoughts of the rotten voice.

Now for the second wish . . .

"Grant my brother's top wish." Ah, with this, maybe Zai nii-chan will slowly be happy. I hope. But I do wonder what he wish for the most right now. Even though his parents just adopted me, he still treated me with warmth. This is the least I can do, right?

Ah, let me see. . .


Zairehff's wish is . . . " To be with Sin." Ah, whatever. I'll just do it.

What the voice had discovered were still unknown to me, but hey, I will be in for a surprise.


I couldn't open my eyes yet, but I felt someone grabbing my head.

Ah, I'm being born again. So this is how it feels like. How . . . strange. Not to mention, it is also uncomfortable and a little painful.

My body is wet. And it's narrow here, from what I can feel . . . That fart should've just transferred me to an already born child. Sigh.

. . . . . .

Okay, ouch. That hurt like a duck! This is child abuse.

. . . . . .

Hey, hey, hey! Be careful would you? I'm still a delicate and fragile newborn. Well, almost there!

. . . . . .

Wah, I can see the light now! To the exit. Sorry, new mother, for these thoughts of mine.

I tried opening my eyes with great effort, and ah, great success!

Although, when I looked around, it was strangely clear for me. I think the fart, no, I'll call the voice Bob, gifted me a clear vision for a start.

There was a woman, who seemed to look like a maid, holding me delicately.

"Madame! It's a baby boy!"

Oh, so I'm a boy again! Well, I'm okay whatever I'll get here anyway.

"Ah, Meili, may i get him?"

The 'Meili' lady handed me to a golden haired goddess, who I'm guessing will be my mother, very carefully.

"Ah . . . " Mother is tearing up, maybe I'm too ugly? Or probably too cute. I just hope it's the latter. If not, then I'll just take care of it.

"Lady Melidia, what would you like to name him?"

"Harry , Harry Shzastiell (Sh-sel)Huston."

I Got Reincarnated To An Otome Game! [Gone Be Yeeted Off Now Sorry]Where stories live. Discover now