Ch 14 - Cool Down (Finale)

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Well when your girlfriend(s) see you get kissed by another girl they become livid. Best option? Pray. Buuuut you're a Devil. Hope a witness helps.

I enjoyed writing this and this was a hard decision. I didn't want it to be too repetitive and want to get to more works. I thought this was a way to cap it and leave it open for the imaginative minds.



"Uhhh girls?" You take a step back. "This is crazy. No reason to be mad. I uhhh spoke to Lady Levia and she wanted to see Sona." You had to plead your case and not mess around. Both could kick your ass and make you cake. But today they wouldn't be serving any dessert of any kind seeing this.

"Like hell!" They scolded.

"Girls. Don't be so mean to Levy. He helped me locate Sona." She petted the top of your head.

"I'm confused." Rias stopped to think. "(FN) why are you missing class to be with her?"

"Because she wanted to find Sona and take pictures of her for the cosplay. Came out really good."

"Why are you being perverted to other girls. You into Loli apparantly?" Asked Akeno.

"Than how can I love boobs?" You cried out.

"Who's?" Asked Rias and Akeno.

"Uhhhh... well..."

Serafall hugged you. "So you are in a tough bound Levinald." She held your hand and pointed at the girls. "You see Rias and her Queen Akeno? I haven't seen them in such a long time but they are very sweet and good to me. I want them to be happy. Levy promise me you'll take care of both of them and be fair." She gave you a pout face.

"Yes Lady Levia."

"Good. Though promise to look out for me? Even if you do have a girlfriend or two? Or wife?"

"Keep doing your thing Serafall. I'm here. You know where to find me. I will always greet with a hug and if they let me I can help you out a little bit. Just be careful of Issei. Taken but he loves pretty girls. Trust me."

She giggled. "Thanks again." Another hug. "Oh Sona." Full attention now aimed at her sister as Sona knew already she had her hands full. "Time to see how much you miss me."

The two sisters and Saji ran out of the gymnasium and it was just the three of you. You and your girlfriends. Both of them as they were stuck on what to do with this manner. Rias was the jealous type and Akeno didn't want to compete with anyone else without her permission. Both at a crossroads on what to do. It now clicked what they were doing to each other. Basically sisters. 

"Head back to class (FN). The two of us have much to discuss during club. I shall see you tonight around bedtime."

"Yes ma'am." You nod and take off.

The doors close and her arms crossed with a frown on her face towards Akeno. "I'm sorry. I caused most of this mess."

"No Rias I'm sorry. Should have known better." She insisted.

"You like him as much as me and I got jealous that he moved to you so quickly. I imagined he would have been overwhelmed and now look at us. I can't go to you for advice or anything. It's just torn a whole into us."

"Rias I think we both care about him. All we did was shove words down his throat and actions in his brain. I think he doesn't love just one. Ever think of that?" Asked Akeno.

"You know something Akeno? I think you're right. Maybe he just does not have a single clue about any of this. He became a Devil and we fell all over him. And what has he become? Just a toy for us. He hasn't had time for him. He studies by himself and that seems about it. What have we done?"

"Rias... do you think we..."

"Promise I'll play fair."


Night fell and it was starting to get lonely. Showered and in bed. Homework was done, ate well, and the whole afternoon and evening was mellow. Though on the massive bed you laid on you noticed the empty spot. Akeno usually laid on the right side of you and Rias took your left. You could be the imaginary cutout of those two as you lay back. It's almost time for you to shut your eyes and get ready for tomorrow. So bummed. I guess this is the punishment for hanging out with Lady Levia. A kiss on the cheek and a nickname or two porks you. Well, silent treatment I guess. You close your eyes and try to get comfortable. The door creaked open and you blink. "Hello?" You yawn.

"Evening Dear."

"Hello Honey."

"Girls?" You stretch your arms.

"Did you miss me?" Said one.

"Are you lonesome?" Asked the other.

You did not know who was who. It was pitch black and you heard movement on the carpet. "Okay let there be," You click the lamp but no light. Two more clicks and still nothing. "What the hell?"

"Awww. Having trouble?"

"Something wrong Darling?"

"I can't see for starters." You complain. Akeno a ball of lightning in her hand to slightly light up the room. All you did was see her in her underwear crawling on the floor. "Girls?"

"Yes Handsome?" Akeno stopped and licked her lips. You could still see her from the light.


You felt a cuddle behind you. Breasts now massaging your neck and arms softly resting across the shoulders. "Don't forget me baby."


Akeno sat in your lap. "Me too."

"What the heck is going on!?" You cried.

"(FN) we wanted to say sorry. For all the trouble we caused you. We put on enough stress as well as anything else. We both care about you very dearly and know that you do as well. Just promise to look after us."

Akeno pushed you to your side so you can spoon her. "Love you."

"I love you both." That, right there. That was the biggest weight off your chest.

"Thanks (FN)." They smiled.

Akeno turned around to give you a kiss. "Night Babe. It's her night. Catch you tomorrow." She got out of the bed and headed off.

"Rias?" You tried to turn around. She kissed you. "It's fine. We love you. Just look after us and treat us fairly. We worked things out because we miss our best friend."


"Nighty Honey."


This guilt and pressure is no more. I'm sorry to both that I never experienced love. It is something that will take me years to understand. Nothing's perfect but I love two women. And it's okay.


I didn't want this to get too cliche, repetitive, or cringy so I stopped it here due to other works. But I loved this romantic comedy. Hope everyone did too.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


Aura's TNA (Rias X Male X Akeno)Where stories live. Discover now