Demigod vines

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Octavian: man I love these chicken strips
Reyna out a car window: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS

Percy: people say I can't do what I love without college, I don't need no degree to be a clothing hanger

Leo trying to grab tortilla chips but failing: woah, hurricane Katrina??? More like hurricane tortillaaa


Nico scaring Jason
Jason: stop, I could've dropped my croissant


Leo: oh sorry I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich
Nico: go back to sleep, and starve


Chiron as a college professor: you either buckle down and do your work or you're going to McDonald's
Nico: we're going to McDonald's if I don't do my work?
Chiron: NO

A/N: I felt that was necessary, don't judge me.

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