"Don't question me"

Start from the beginning

"Well it's a bullet that is inside of you and your bleeding so i think i have a right to be the least but nervous"

"Well I'll tell you what i tell Matt and Drew and the kids all the time stop thinking so much about it and you'll be just fine" I sigh with a smile.

"She's right it does help" My mother smiles.

"See i am glad someone is listening to my good advice"

"I listened to your good advice once and it got me punched in the face twice" Jordan sighs walking into the room.

"Oh come on it was once and maybe i did sort of instigate the fight but at least i had fun right" I smile.

"yeah sure" He laughs lightly before he's attention reverts to Myla before he looks away.

"Well on the count of three" My mother smiles.

"Or one" I wince with a laugh as i feel the cold tweezers dig into me to the bullet. After a couple of minutes of trying not to feel the pain so much she finally pulled it out.

"That actually hurt" I sigh.

"Well you won't think it's so bad when i do this" My mother sighs before sticking a cloth to my wound.

"crap that one hurt" I say wince.

"Well that is all their is left to do besides this" My mother smiles putting a huge band-aide on my wound.

"So I am free to go now" I sigh quickly sitting up only to get a dizzy rush to my head.

"No" My mother says quickly laying me back down slightly touching my head before smiling.

"Everyone out...you sleep ok" She smiles.

"I don't want to go to sleep" I say with pout.

"Sleep" She says sternly. "Everyone out now" She yells motioning to the door.

"Now you know how it feels" Drew laughs walking to me and giving me a blanket. Before putting a strand of hair behind my ear but i saw his smile falter a bit.

"Well you lucky it was me baby sitting you" I sigh.

"yeah..." He laughs. "Get some sleep ok" He sighs before leaving after everyone else.

Drew's POV

As i shut the door behind me i quickly looked to everyone else and than to Amara's mom.

"So what do you think you could" I say turning to her.

"Well i could try to cool her down but if the fever doesn't break..." She says trailing off sadly.

We went through a whole hour of watching her sleep.

"She'll be fine she's strong" Jordan whispers with a smile.

"I know it's just i don't like seeing her like this" I sigh sadly.

"Надя" I heard her whisper before rolling on her side. When i look at Matt across the room in a chair i could see him smile at her before he quickly shut's down and walks out of the room.

"I'll talk to him" Jordan says nodding to Myla before standing and leaving right after him.

We spent another hour of watching her sleep until Alex said he found something.

"So what is it" I sigh standing around the kitchen table with him.

"Well Martin isn't dead" He sighs.

"I don't see what that has to do with what's happening now" Jordan says confused.

"Well Martin would have been the one to send those guys to shoot Amara" Matt sighs.

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