28| U L T R A V I O L E N C E

Start from the beginning

I slid down off the kitchen counter and pad over to the door to answer whoever came over at this odd hour in the morning. Peeking out the door before fully swinging the door I see a shaved head and red flannel and know without a shadow of a doubt who it is.

"Hey, stranger!" I greet smiling at Liam and hugging him as soon as the door swing completely open. I hadn't seen Liam since the release of the Sundance movie I had filmed, I had been on maternity leave since auditions were a struggle. Surprisingly enough there weren't very many roles for a pregnant woman, especially a 6-month pregnant woman.

"Hey!" he greeted squeezing me, "You have to be ready to pop any day now right?" He asks as I pull away from the embrace.

"That's what I am hoping for, I kinda want my body back. This pregnancy thing is hard stuff, the constant backaches, radiating heartburn, peeing my pants, the list goes on," I laugh along with Liam noticing a not tied to his hand.

"You seem to take to it pretty well though, you finished filming Shatter which isn't a small task!" Liam told me, and I will admit it really wasn't. Filming while pregnant had its struggles especially when I was constantly on my feet that ached from all the water retention. "Oh, by the way, this was on the welcome mat," Liam hands me the note in his hand and I take it inviting him inside.

I open it up while Liam heads to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee.

I know everything.
We will be keeping in touch.

I am paralyzed when I see what I taped to the note. My heart knocks violently against my chest while my bottom half begins to tingle with nerves. My eyes concentrated on a bloody police badge belonging to nonother then Detective Jenny Lawrence. Otherwise known as the officer that H brutally killed.

"Elle?" I snap-close back into the envelop and avert my eyes over to Liam a little too quickly. Voices began yelling in my head telling me that this was going to be it, that our asses were headed straight for a jail cell.

"What?" I snap more aggressively than I originally thought, I didn't mean to sound harsh but I could no longer be at ease with what I knew now. Someone out there knows everything. My life is about to end. Not only was this going to affect my life but my baby's life, I was already impacting them enough with all this crazy ax murder shit but I couldn't let them take my baby away from me because I was an inmate.

"I was just looking for the cream and sugar but you don't look so good? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," Liam tells me and I hide the note behind my back feeling my heart race faster then I am able to comprehend. Flashes of orange jumpsuits and tears cloud my mind while handcuffs are clipped around my wrists for others safety.

My shackles are dragging on the floor and the sound is nauseating the more my mind echoed the image. I couldn't let this happen, I refused to let this happen.

"I think I did something really," I begin to say, feeling a lump rise in my throat from all the anxiety bubbling at the surface of my skin.

"Really bad."


"How's my little sex kitten doing?" H asks coming up behind me and kissing my neck after moving my hair behind my back. My hold the note in one hand and the bloody badge in the other unable to stray my eyes from it. My mind trying to calculate who would have done this, who would have known the darkest of secrets I hide behind closed doors.

"What is this? Where did you get that?" H asks accusingly swiping the badge from my hand while I sit cross-legged on the bed unable to move. I am afraid to move. Everything is frozen, playing in slow motion. "Chanel where the fuck did you get this?!"

"Someone knows," I say in a low haunting voice, the same voice that repeated over and over again in my head.

"What do you mean someone knows?" H asks me again is temper burning and boiling with each anticipated second.

"They left a note," I say handing it to him, he swipes it out of my hands and I feel the all too familiar racing in my heart again. Nerves pricking my skin causing tingles to radiate throughout my body. The feeling that made me want to physically vomit every time it crept back into my mind.

"Fuck!" H curses pacing around the room throwing the note onto the ground in a panic.

"I asked you if killing the officer would be the end of this. I asked and you told me everything would be okay after it!" I stand up and look at him in the eyes with undying fear for what my life is about to become.

"Don't even start with me about broken promises if that was what you are insinuating! There are other things on the line here besides a goddamn broken promise!" H yells at me stepping closer to my face for an intimidation factor that worked on me too well.

"I asked you and you told me it would be the last time you had to murder someone yet look where we are! We are back to where we were five months ago! What the fuck H! Does this ever end?! Because I can't do this anymore!" I scream back and immediately feeling H's hand around my jaw, with one movement he could snap it. I clench my jaw, "I won't do it," I grit my teeth and watch the burn in his eyes begin to blacken.

"Don't make me hurt you," He says darkly.

"At this point H, do whatever the FUCK you want because I am done. I am done with all of it! Do you hear me?!" I push him away but he quickly regains control again by yanking my wrist and pulling me towards him. "Kill me, don't kill me, beat me up, I don't care anymore!" I begin to laugh out of control unable to catch my breath.

"In fact, I DARE you. Kill me H! Do it!" I scream laugh and feel pressure on my wrists again. "Do it!" I egg him on and feel his hands wrap around my neck. "I can't stand dealing with your busted ass anymore, no wonder why your mother hated you! I'm starting to see why!" I scream feeling oxygen restrict as H tightens his hands around my neck while his black eyes tear up and roll down his cheeks. He screams and yells while I choke from the lack of air supply and pressure around my neck.

"You will never be Harry no matter how hard you try," I cough out feeling a gush of water run down my leg and splash against the wood floor. Both our eyes shoot down to the floor where we stand in a puddle of amniotic fluid.

N. I don't really have anything to say but HIi! How are my babies doing? Just thought I would tell you I love you all and I hope you are at the edge of your seats! What do y'all think? How are you feeling because I'm about to turn up the heat even more lol!

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