08| S T A G E

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"Harry," I say shakily even though I know this isn't Harry I am talking to. I saw his name in hopes of evoking the soul I used to know. My voice is shaken and uneven, along with my body that vibrates with fear.

"Please..." I sniffle out sobbing under the image of the dead body and rivers of blood beneath my feet. The dull eyes of John staring in the same direction, he is still and limp.

"Tell you what Elizabeth, I will give you 30 seconds to run. I like the chase," H says in a dark thick accent that sends shivers up my spine. Elizabeth under distress hugs her crying baby close and makes a dash for the hallway. H blocked the front door as I stood up and looked down at the blood that was staining the bottom of my shoes.

"Maybe 30 seconds was too generous. 30 seconds is longer then what people think!" H enthused walking down the hallways with heavy steps that echoed off the walls draped in Instagram photos of the Jones family.

"Harry you can't do this! She has a baby," I beg him latching on to the fabric of his black t-shirt. My plea and beg for Elizabeth's life but he shrugs me off and continues down the hallways.

I look down at my reflection in the bloody pond and break down at the sight of myself. The sounds of a baby screaming and a young woman screaming tears my soul apart. I squeezed my eyes shut in hopes that this was all a really bad dream.

"Kitten!" I hear my name bounce off the walls as I open my eyes to the same nightmarish scene. I have trouble swallowing from the lump that swells in my throat. Again he calls my name and I find it in myself to pick up my feet and walk to the bedroom at the end of the dark hallway.

When I reach the bedroom I find Elizabeth cowering in the corner terrified for her life while H's knife drops with blood into the wood floors. The mobile from the baby's crib makes sweet music that I find rather unnerving in this situation.

"I do have a moral code, I don't hurt children. Which is fortunate for you, your son can go on living a shallow life," H explains to Elizabeth who fails to calm her screaming baby.

"I promise if you let me go I will leave and never come back! I won't say a word about any of this, just please let me live! Just let me go!" Snot ran down like a facet from her nose while her tears burned the whites of her eyes stinging them red.

"Harry just let her go please!" I plead once again to him feeling my heartbeat race in my chest. My pulse throbbing in my veins as his piercing eyes now sear through mine.

"Take the baby out of here now!" He demands me taking on a darker tone.

"No! No! Please no!" Elizabeth screams choking on her own sobs as H again orders me around. I stifle a breath and close my eyes feeling heated tears brim my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." I cry crouching to Elizabeth's level where she hands me over the screaming little boy.

"Get out of here!" H demands wrapping his hand around my arm to throw me out of the room. I keep the baby close to my chest and try to block out the sounds of pure agony coming from the nursery.

I huddle in the corner of the hallways with the baby in my arms. I rub his back and feel him lay his head on my shoulder while I try to block out the sounds of screaming and yelling.

"It's okay.... shhhhh.... shhhhh," I coo in a sob, sniffling and trying to quiet the baby. My body trembles when I hear the choking sounds, she was dying.

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