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"I need to see him!" I press to the doctors despite my mother talking me down.

"Chanel you aren't well enough, you need to relax," she tells me but I block out whatever she has to say. I didn't care what my condition was, I needed to see H. I was told that the baby was okay and that was the only thing that would have held me back.

"I'm fine, please take me to see him!" I reason with the Doctor on call.

"In your condition I would rather you stay in bed. Your body is in a fragile state," the doctor tells me but I don't hear him. I wasn't going to stop until I got what I wanted.

"Then put me in a wheel chair, I don't care how you do it but I will be seeing my husband one way or another Doctor," I tell him quieting my mother who had been in the background trying to convince me otherwise.

The Doctor sighs and hesitates briefly before complying with my wishes seeing that I wasn't going to back down from what I wanted. I didn't give up. There have been times where I have wanted to but it's not in my nature to throw in the towel.

"I will have a nurse set you up to take you to see Harry," He tells me before leaving the room while I wince at the pain trying to sit back in my bed. The painkillers were wearing off and I was more aware of my broken ribs and the dull ache in my casted arm.

"You are stressing your body out baby," My mother tries but I dart my eyes over to her fragile kind ones.

"Not being able to see my husband that is in a coma is the only thing stressing my body out!" I raise my voice but realize I need to bring it down a few notches. I was irritated but there was no reason I should have raised my voice at my mother. She was only concerned about me.

From her point of view she almost lost her daughter in what should have been a fatal car accident. Not only could she have lost me but also my baby which she had no knowledge about. I made sure to keep myself under a blanket to hide away the evidence.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice at you. You are just trying to help I get it," I take some deep breaths and try to find my center. I feel a soft hand stroke my cheek and see my mother is teary eyed.

"I thought I had lost you two. I couldn't imagine losing you Chanel.... I don't know what I would do with myself if I knew you were-"

"I'm okay Mama, everything is going to be okay..." I don't know if I was saying that to comfort myself or her.

"You are stronger then you think Elle and I know you are going to make it through all of this. I will be right here with you," my mother holds my free hand and squeezes or lovingly wiping a stray tear that falls down my bruised cheek.

It's not long before I see my nurse who went by the name Jackie. She had brought extra help sense she didn't have the strength to lift me from my bed alone. I clench my jaw when I feel my body being moved from the bed into the chair it takes away my breath but I close my eyes and breathe through it.

"How are you feeling Chanel?" She asks me after I had told her to call me by my first name. Mrs. Styles felt too formal for my liking, I wanted normalcy and people calling me Chanel helped even though none of this was remotely close to normal.

"It hurts but I'm okay,"

"Are you sure?" She reaffirms and I nod my head. I open my eyes when I feel the chair being pushed through the lively hallways of the busy hospital.

Everything felt familiar from the last time I was here. It would appear that I couldn't catch a break. These past months have been grueling and more then trying and this was its way of it appearing. My body breaking down.

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