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Ok so I haven't been on for a few days so let me rewind to Thursday

So Thursday day was flat out boring

Friday had a little drama

In 4th period (Gym)

My friend Jacob and I were just playing with a ball and I threw the ball and Jacob ran to go get the ball

He comes back and apparently we were in the way of their game and this Hispanic girl




The girl was hanging with one of my stupid classmates the one who rude as hell to me the other day

So anyways

The girl got mad at him and started cursing him out

IDK why

Then for some reason she tried to swing at him

And I'm here like


So she stops and walks away and Jacob said under his breath


Please excuse my potty mouth

And my stupid classmate was like

She was speaking Spanish but I understood

Monica, this stupid idiot just called her a bitch

And for some reason

He got in trouble for it

They didn't call witnesses

They just punished him


I'm in the hallway going to lunch with my friend Zaniya and all of sudden someone pushes me and went by

No apology

No excuse me

So I ran and snatched him by his backpack and said

"You push me again and see what happens"

He just runs off

My friend Zaniya was like


So I finally get in the cafeteria and then I feel something tug me

So I turn around and it is the same kid

I said

"Try that again"

He does and I do a swift turn around and he let go and was like

"Then do something about it"

I then start running at him and I could tell he was hella scared

I sit down with my food and I'm talking with my friends Cameron, Hailey, Jaylee, Sydney, and Zaniya

Cameron is dating Hailey

And Cameron was doing something to her arm and Hailey says

Whatcha doing

And Cameron quickly hides her arm and Hailey says

Let me see your arm

Cameron does

Hailey in shock pulls up Cameron arm and shows it to us

Cameron is cutting

So then me and Zaniya go back to class after luck I said

We have to something

She tells the teacher and then the teacher tells the councilor

So yesterday was my brother's birthday and we went to this nice restaurant but it was expensive



Nope. Higher.


You give up?


At least it was good I enjoyed my food

My mom bought Chris a necklace for his birthday


Today has been boring

So ye

Night my fellow dorks
Have a dorky night 👽

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