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Well hello my fellow dorks

So yesterday I went P.E.

After I go P.E. I often get really tired like I haven't slept for like 5 days

So I was like

Just like normal

But the thing is

I usually feel normal after like 30mins

For some reason that didn't happen

So we went to lunch and I was like

It feels like I've eaten Cheetos

Little background

When ever I eat anything really cheesey my head feels... IDK

But it just feels weird

So anyway

I go back to class and I'm like

I have a stupid migraine now!?

Cuz sounds were making my head hurt

And also light

This class is over and I'm beginning to get cold

Like really cold like it's -100°

So I'm like

Ok, Am I running a fever?

I touch my face and I'm like

Ok my face is hot

I asked the teacher if I could go to the nurse

The teacher tells me "Yes you can, but I have to email her first and then we have to wait for her call"

In my head I'm saying

I'm dying

Just might as well arrange my funreal too

Or do you have to email them first and wait for a phone call


So anyways

The nurse calls the teachers

It felt like days

But in reality, it was a mere 5 minutes

So I go to the nurse

Nurse does the basics and finds out I have a fever

Calls my dad and ask if he can bring Tylenol

I take it I don't have a migraine but I'm extremely cold

Next/Last class

I'm happy that the day is almost over

My dad wakes me up this morning and says

You get to stay home today




Night my fellow dorks
Have a dorky night 👽

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