Physic dream

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I don't know if I told you guys but I found out that I'm a physic. Yes I am a physic, just about every dream that feels so real (but isn't) happens. When  I was 6, I dreamt that I moved to Cleveland, TX when I was in Houston,TX. 2 yrs later I moved to Cleveland,TX. Then when I was 9 I dreamt that I will get a phone when I'm 11, then 2 years later(11) I got a phone.

Today I had a physic dream, or otherwise known dream walk.

Not telling you what it was about but I will tell my closest friends, they will not tell anyone else about it without permission and the person they'll tell have to keep it a secret as well

I counted wrong on how many days till my birthday, 2 days left till my birthday
I'm turning 12

How my life isOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora