Behind These Walls- Chapter Eight

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"Well, how are you feeling today? How was your sleep last night?" Jerry asked. Layne softly sighed.

"I feel okay. Really, I feel okay. I slept good last night, at least better than I had been sleeping."

Jerry smiled. "So a little improvement?"

Layne shrugged, biting his lip to hide his smile. Jerry chuckled a little, jotting a few things down in his notebook. He opened his mouth to ask another question, but Layne spoke before he could.

"How come you wanted to be a therapist?" Layne asked.

"So now you're going to ask me the questions?" Jerry teased. Layne shrugged again.

"That one night you were drunk, you were complaining about how I never ask you questions."

Jerry chuckled, blushing a little. "Well, I... I'm not really sure. I suppose I just wanted to listen to people, and try to help them. Besides, if I hadn't of went into this career, I would've never met you."

Layne shrugged his shoulders. "I guess that's right."

Jerry looked at Layne, and smiled. "Come sit on my lap."

Layne's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Uncrossing his legs, he stood up from his chair, and sat on Jerry's lap.

Jerry wrapped his arms around Layne, and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Would you go on a date with me tonight?"

Layne bit his lip. "I don't know. What if someone sees us? You could lose your job."

Jerry shook his head. "We'll be fine."

Layne smiled. "Alright. Sure. Where do you want to go?"

"It doesn't matter to me. Where do you want to go?"

Layne shrugged his shoulders, thinking of something for the two to do. He didn't really like being around a crowd of people, so that didn't really leave many options.

"Ice skating." Jerry said.

Layne laughed. "Yeah, I can't skate. I'll bust my ass."

"If it makes you feel any better, I've never been ice skating before either. We can hold onto each other to keep from falling." Jerry suggested.

Layne wasn't sure he'd like it, but he figured as long as he was with Jerry he'd have a good time.

"Alright. So you want me to meet you there?"

Jerry shook his head. "I'll pick you up. Eight o'clock?"

"Sounds good." Layne said.

Jerry placed a kiss on Layne's lips.

* * *

"I have a date tonight." Layne said as he blushed. Eddie's eyes widened.

Layne had called Eddie, asking him to come over, saying he needed his help. It was only an hour away before Jerry would be there to pick him up.

"Really? Aw, Layne, that's great!"

Layne bit his lip. "I'm kinda... nervous."

Eddie chuckled. "That's normal. You'll be fine. Who's the lucky guy?"

"Well, his name is Jerry."

Eddie grinned. "Wow, look at you, getting back out there. Well, what do you need help with?"

"Well, it's just... I..." Layne blushed, and whispered the last part, "I don't really know what to wear."

"The usual. What you wear everyday." Eddie said with a shrug.

"Shouldn't I dress up?" Layne asked.

"Well, I mean, I guess a little. But you want someone to love you for who you are, right?"

Layne nodded his head. "Yeah, I do."

Eddie opened Layne's closet, crossing his arms as he looked around. He pulled out a long sleeve shirt, along with jeans.

"This'll look good on you." Eddie said, tossing the clothes on Layne. He turned around, waiting for Layne to get changed.

Layne was a little hesitant. He got up from the bed and quickly changed his clothes to the ones Eddie had given him. He slipped his shoes back on, and tied them neatly.

"I'm done." Layne said shyly. Eddie turned around, and smiled.

"Adorable. Look at yourself in the mirror." Eddie said, leading him over to it.

Layne hated his reflection. He took a quick look at himself, and turned his head.

"Don't look away. You only took a glance at yourself." Eddie said in a scolding tone. Layne sighed, and looked back up at the mirror.

"See, you look great," Eddie smiled, "But you know it is a little cool out tonight."

Eddie slipped off the leather jacket he was wearing. He held it up, signaling for Layne to put it on. Layne was a little hesitant, but he put his arm into the sleeve, and Eddie helped him get the rest of it on.

"Now, you're all complete. You can keep the jacket. It looks better on you than me."

Layne laughed. "Well, thanks for helping me."

"I think I just heard a car pull in," Eddie said, peeking out of Layne's bedroom window, "Is that your date?"

Layne peeked out of the blinds to see Jerry getting out of his car. "He's early."

Eddie chuckled. "At least I get to meet him, and you know, give him the talk."

"What talk?" Layne asked.

"You know, the talk."

"Don't embarrass me." Layne whined, turning to leave the room.

Eddie followed him downstairs. As soon as Layne was in front of the door, Jerry was knocking. Layne took a quick look at Eddie, who was making himself comfortable on the couch, before opening the door to let Jerry in.

"Hey," Layne said with a smile. Jerry grinned, holding up some flowers he had brought for Layne.

Layne blushed. "Oh, thanks. You didn't have to."

Jerry chuckled. "I had to go all out, you know."

Jerry leaned in, pressing a kiss on Layne's lips. Eddie watched the whole scene from the couch, and couldn't help but smile at how happy his friend seemed with this man.

"Well, come in," Layne said, stepping aside, "This is my friend, Eddie. And Eddie, this is Jerry."

Jerry looked at Eddie, gave him a smile, and shook his hand. The two introduced themselves, although Layne had already done it for them.

Everyone sat around each other. Layne watched as Jerry and Eddie asked each other questions, and Layne was almost biting his nails, afraid Eddie would say something to embarrass him.

"Well, how'd you two meet?" Eddie asked, looking between the two. Layne looked at Jerry with wide eyes.

"We met at therapy." Jerry said with a smile.

"Oh, that's nice. So, you two see the same therapist?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, something like that," Jerry said, looking up at the clock, "But I guess we should be going."

"Yeah, I need to be heading home too." Eddie said, standing from his seat.

"You need a ride?" Jerry asked. Eddie shook his head.

"No, but thanks. It's not that far of a walk. You two have fun, and remember, have him home by midnight." Eddie said, ruffling at Layne's dreadlocks.

Jerry chuckled. "I'll try my best."

Layne playfully rolled his eyes. Jerry took his hand, and gave him a smile.

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