Chapter I

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A/N: I do not own any of the original Harry Potter characters. The amazing J.K. Rowling does.




Harry returned home after a long day at work. He opened the door, removed his coat, and his shoes, and took a mere step into the house, only to be greeted by a bundle of auburn hair running towards him. Harry acted quickly and picked the little boy up. "YAY!! I win!!" said James Sirius Potter. Harry chuckled at his 3-year-old before he kissed his cheek.

Suddenly Harry saw another little boy with black hair and green eyes, much like his, standing in front of him. He had a large pout on his chubby little face and his little arms were crossed across his chest. "It isn't counted as winning if you cheat!" said the little Potter, his rosy cheeks drooping due to the deep frown on his face. "I did not cheat Al," James said, with a rather smug smile on his face. "Yes, you did! You pushed me onto the sofa when I told you that I heard dad!" little Albus'  betrayed voice rang out. "James, did you push your brother?" Harry asked in a slightly stern tone. "Maybe" the brown-eyed boy mumbled as looked down at the wooden floors, finding them rather interesting now.

"James, how many times do we have to tell you? Stop pushing your brother!" an angered voice rang out from behind Harry. He hadn't noticed his wife coming down the stairs. She currently stood at the bottom of the staircase in a pair of grey sweatpants and a long black T-shirt that showcased her pregnant belly perfectly, she glowed like a true goddess. Ginny was very close to her due date and looked like she was going to pop any day now.

They were expecting a baby girl and were overjoyed. Not only would this baby be the first girl to be born in the Potter family for several generations but she would also be the only daughter that they would have. Harry and Ginny both adored their two boys but were secretly hoping that this baby would be a little girl. Harry put his oldest down and hugged Albus before walking towards his wife and giving her a loving kiss.

"Ew gross!" James and Albus exclaimed together before they took off in the direction of their playroom. Harry and Ginny both laughed before Ginny let out a gasp. "Oh! I think someone wants your attention Harry" Ginny said as she pointed towards her belly which had just been kicked by their littlest love. Harry chuckled and bent down and gave her belly a few kisses "Hello there princess. I can't wait to meet you" Harry cooed as he rubbed his hand over his wife's belly which led to his little girl kicking her mother even harder. "Now, now, we don't hurt Mummy my darling," he said as he kissed Ginny's belly one last time before hugging her.

Ginny woke up from her sleep with a sudden start. The sheets seemed to be wet. Her cheeks reddened as she felt that she had wet the bed. "Merlin, I thought I had stopped wetting the bed when I was three. What will Harry think!?" She thought to herself as she buried her face in her hands. A sharp pain in her belly made her realize that it was her water that had broken and that she hadn't wet the bed. She sighed a breath of relief before she tried to wake her sleeping husband up. "Harry" Ginny said as she shook her husband's shoulder. Harry immediately jolted awake. "Baby, what's wrong?" Harry asked, his voice thick with sleep and panic. Before Ginny could answer him she felt another sharp pain and gasped loudly as she held onto her belly in a desperate attempt to soothe the pain.

It took Harry a moment to understand what was happening. Once he understood he quickly sent a Patronus to Hermione informing her about their situation and asking her to come and pick the boys up. He then quickly got everything that they needed and helped Ginny get up. Hermione arrived within a few minutes and stood next to the tired toddlers. "Bye sweethearts, when we see you next you will get to meet your baby sister" Ginny as she kissed both her boys on the forehead and waved goodbye. "Bye, boys! Bye Mione! Boys be good for your Auntie Hermione" said Harry before he rushed over to where his angry pregnant wife stood. Albus tiredly whined in his Aunt's arms and James weakly waved his parents goodbye as he hugged Hermione's leg.

"Ginny you have to push harder. The baby has to come out now" said the healer at St.Mungos who had also helped deliver James and Albus. "I can't I'm not strong enough," said Ginny sounding exhausted. "You can do it, love. Just push," Harry tried to encourage his tired wife. "Just push, just push! Easy for you to say! You don't have a child coming out of you!" Ginny shouted incredulously at Harry as she pointed a sweaty finger at him. "No honey, I don't but you have to push harder so that we can meet our little princess" Harry tried to sound confident but the truth was that he was afraid that Ginny would've murdered him before he had a chance to meet his daughter.

Ginny nodded her head and pushed with all her might letting out a scream with it. Soon a little cry was heard. "Congratulations, it's a Girl!" said the healer. Harry leaned over and kissed Ginny "I love you and I am so proud of you." said Harry. "I love you too, but we are never doing this again," Ginny said tiredly which caused everyone in the room to let out a laugh as Harry reddened and nodded quickly. A little bundle swaddled in a soft pink blanket was then handed over to Ginny so that she could feed her little baby. Ginny and Harry looked at their baby as she fed with pure love and awe in their eyes. She had a head full of red hair, but they couldn't see what colour her eyes were since they were closed. "What's her name going to be?" asked Ginny as she ran her hand over her daughter's soft red hair.

"Well I was thinking that we could name her Lily Luna, you know after my Mum and Luna," said Harry. "I love it," Ginny said as she let out a loud yawn which caused Lily to start crying. "I'll take care of her, you should get some rest," said Harry. His wife simply nodded her head and tiredly handed the crying baby over to Harry. As soon as Harry took her into his arms his baby stopped crying and slowly opened her eyes to look at him.

That's when he saw it. His daughter had green eyes. Just like Albus and him, they had gotten his mother's eyes. Their eyes were so similar yet so different. Her eyes were green like freshly cut grass on a bright sunny day. Harry smiled and said "Goodnight my Lilypad." before he kissed her forehead lovingly. Hearing the familiar voice Lily snuggled into the warmth of her father's body and fell asleep.

The moment Lily snuggled into Harry, his heart melted and that was the moment he knew that his baby girl already had him wrapped around her little finger and he wasn't going to complain about it. He held Lily close to his chest and fell into a deep slumber.

A/N: I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment to let me know what you guys like about my story and want me to continue!

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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