My Life Could Be A Movie

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Everyone hears about those "must watch movies" they have to see. Whether a friend's obsession got to you, or it was one of those trailers that turns out to be better than the actual movie, or maybe it was an obsession you already had, or you're just excited because everyone else seems excited. No matter what made you have that "I must watch this" moment, you've had it before.

But is it possible to take extreme measures to watch a movie? Apparently so.

Myself, as well as others I'm sure, love a good sci-fi supernatural abilities movie. And I'm certain I'm not the only one who loves to watch a good supernatural (or any type for that matter) movie in theater. I mean, what's better than sitting on chairs outside of your house? Or heated reclining seats? Maybe even seats in a theater that's designed to look like a tropical rain forest? Bet you can't find that last one anywhere, especially not one that's circular shaped and you basically lie on the floor and stare at the sky to watch the movie.

Well that last theater is not only "fancy" in its own way, but has restrictions of its own too. Children 17 and under are not allowed in. Guess how old I am? Definitely younger than 17. And another fun fact? This is the only movie theater available with open "seats."

So let's recap: there's a really good sci-fi supernatural abilities movie I want to watch, there's no open movie theater to watch it in excluding the restricted one. Solution? Break into the theater obviously. However, every broken rule comes with a punishment. At this movie theater, pushing kids out and telling them to go home isn't enough.

They blow out brains of children.

In this rain forest, bodies of cleaned, sparkling, snow-white pieces of armor replaced the jaguars, snakes and crocodiles. They hold mini explosives in the place of predators' razor sharp teeth and claws. Although just like savage meat eaters, they show their prey no mercy. Off with their heads. Or a better way of putting it: poof with their heads.

I guess you can call it a pretty brutal and unfair punishment.

All the same, even this cannot stop me. Call me stubborn.

So there I was. Standing in the long line behind people who were definitely taller and older than I was. Not including the poor soul five steps in front of me. The predators have found their prey. And they looked hungry. Not literally. 

Like starving animals, they crept up to their confused to-be-meal. The poor unsuspecting child screamed as he was suddenly grabbed and held. A white, shined hunter thrust the small metallic explosive onto the flat of the poor boy's trembling head. Others who were not busy restraining the child, sealed a helmet over the metallic object. 

The boy shook with fear. His shrieks seeming to be the only thing being heard in the crowd of adults. If it weren't for the screams, a pin drop could be heard. Everyone kept frozen in place. Everyone stood as quiet as the growth of flowers blooming on a quiet warm day. How they all wished they stood in a meadow of sunflowers on a quiet warm day over watching a boy meeting is death in a mock forest. 

Dead silent bodies watched expressionless as the sparkling, one of the white bodies pull out a hand-sized, rectangular, dirty, gray item with a flashing red switch. With just a flick, everyone closed their eyes, unable to watch the now, headless boy fall lifelessly towards the welcoming, dirt ground. No one dared to speak. No one dared to make a sound. 

Then, the predators turned toward me. Underneath their white helmets, I could sense they were not yet satisfied with their meal. In fact, they had plenty of room for seconds. The second they took a step towards me, I decided on a decision I should've made long before. Run.

So that is what I did. I ran. After tripping and bumping into a few others of course. I was not the only one running. I mean, who would choose to stay after seeing that horrible scene. I'm seriously wondering why this place isn't out of business yet. And I'm sure I am not the only one. 

Anyway. Being the short human being under the age of 17 that I am, lost in the middle a crowd literally running for their lives, becomes a welcome mat after being shoved down and trampled over a couple times. Except, since I'm not a cartoon, it actually hurts. 

Time seemed to slow. My fast paced heart beats seemed to be grow louder each time I took a step. Dirt kicked up as I dug my heel in first with each foot, pushing forward with each stride. i couldn't keep up with this forever. I would begin to slow soon. When that happens, this rain forest will be the last place my mind and body will be connected as one. Basically, I'll die. 

The world seemed to slow. The world seemed to lose all of its sound. No more storming of foot steps. No more loud beats of the heart. No rustle of leaves. No screams. No shrieks. Just silence. Squeezing my eyes shut, I waited for my last moments as I felt claw like hands form a strong hold on my biceps. A force so strong, as if any tighter, would burst my cells out of my skin. I waited for the metallic object to be placed on my head. 

But it never came. 

Instead, thunder struck and clear liquid shot from my hands. The clear liquid wrapped around the necks of my former predator, now my prey. The tables have turned. I apparently had supernatural powers I never knew I had before. 

Only one thing ran through my mind as my new-found prey backed away in fear. "Oh man, my life could be a movie."

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