chap 7// hayes-->bella

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when i walked into math i made eye contact with bella. it lasted about 3 seconds. i just looked down and walked to a random desk on the other side of the room. ill talk to mack about it on the bike ride home.

after about fifteen minutes, i found myself crying. not like balling my eyes out crying. but enough for the teacher to notice. actually i didnt even know why i was crying.

"hayes? whats wrong?(!)"

"i really dont feel comfortable talking about it."

"are you sure hayes?"

"yea im sure."

"you know you can go to any of the teachers on the floor to talk about something, (...) right?"

"yea i understand."

"would you like to go to the nurse and relax for a few minutes?"

"yea i would like that." i said. i grabbed my grey hoodie, put it on, and walked out of the classroom. as i followed the teacher out of the door, i could feel the whole class staring at me and whispering. i just tried to concentrate on the noise my khakis made as i made each step.

when i got to the nurse, she had me lay down on that dumb (uncomfortable) bed. the very top layer of the bed was a rubber/plastic fabric; every time i moved the bed squeaked. i FINALLY got comfortable and slowly feel asleep.


"umm... Jacob, i dont know if i would want to go to the movies with you."

"can i ask why?"

"id rather not"

"you like hayes dont you"

"no its not that its just..."

in that moment i realized i did like hayes. alot. and i wasnt mad at him anymore. i felt like a lot if rocks just came off my shoulders.


"omg! what!?"

"do you know where hayes went?"

"last time i saw him, he went to the nurse. i think he went home."


he just had the biggest smile on his face. i guess jacob was kinda cute. but i liked hayes more.

gave jacob a friendly kiss on the cheek and ran towards the door.


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