Draco reached over Harry's shoulder and took the empty plate that lay on the table in front of the brunette and put foods he knew Harry liked a lot on it. From eggs, toast with jelly, an apple and pumpkin juice to drink, Draco made sure it was suitable for Harry; and Harry watched him do it with furrowed brows.

"What are you,"

"Eat." Draco demanded softly, placing the plate back in front of Harry.


Draco leaned down behind Harry, whispering to him. "Please?"

Harry turned slightly to look at Draco and the blond just smiled sadly at him before pressing a soft kiss to Harry's forehead and walking away, back to Pansy and Blaise - who was fuming. As Blaise dipped Draco apart verbally while Draco ignored him, Ginny stared at Harry.

"What?" Harry asked quietly, picking up the piece of toast on the plate and nibbling on it.

"What was that?" Ginny asked. Harry shrugged. "You'll eat when he tells you to but you won't when I ask?"

"Ginny," Harry sighed, "it's not like that. I'll explain later."

She shook her head. "No. Harry, explain to me now, please." Harry looked over at her with a frown, studying the upset expression on her face.

"Malfoy just.. He just saw something and is worried, but I'll tell you now it won't last long. He'll go back to being a git here soon."

"You know that isn't true, Harry."

"What do you want from me, Ginny?!" Harry snapped. "I can only do so much, alright? It's bad enough I've got the whole school on my back after the attack but now you?"

"Harry, I didn't,"

"It's fine." Harry sighed, picking up his plate and standing. "I'll be in my room." He muttered before exiting the Great Hall, and Draco stood up to run after him but was stopped by a tug on his robe.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Pansy frowned up at him. Draco took his robe away from Pansy, sighing at her.

"I cant sit here, Pansy. And this whole plan," He said, looking at Blaise. "Isn't going to work. I can't," Draco rolled his eyes at himself as he leaned down to place his hands on the table. "I can't hurt him."

"That's what you're known for!" Blaise exclaimed.

"That was when my judgement was clouded by my father. Before I actually got to know Potter. He may be annoying, incredibly aggravating and unbelievably kind it's disgusting, but I love the prat. So how about you go get that stick out of your arse and grow up, before I hex the living hell out of you." Draco left without any other word coming from Blaise's mouth. He made his way down the halls of the dungeons and quickly, finding Harry on one of the moving staircases.

"Potter!" He yelled, running to catch up with the ravenette. Harry looked back at him with furrowed brows, huffing when Draco had almost ran into him.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Keep you company." Draco shrugged.

"I can't do this." Harry sighed, turning and waking to the painting on the entrance of the common room. Draco stood behind him, reaching a hand out to hold Harry, but he refused his own urges.

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