Chapter Two

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Whoops life got in the way of this project but.. chapter 2 is now released! It's so hard to not want to change everything but I definitely tried. Enjoy!

The Next Morning

Dipper's POV

I was having a peaceful dream then suddenly I hear my alarm go off. I groan as I try to turn it off, knocking it off my nightstand, along with my hat. I sigh, and practically force myself to get up, and I was doing this, I had forgotten the still on-going alarm. Right, as I noticed I told it to "shut up", yeah like that's going to do anything. I grabbed the alarm from the safety of my bed, making sure I don't fall off when reaching and then turned it off. As I placed it back on the side table, I got a glimpse of my hat "Oh, shit now I have to pick that up too." I then get back up, making the same maneuvers as before and pick up the hat. I look at the hat, then the alarm, the numbers light up as 7:30. I muttered  "Why the hell did I even set this?" as I fall back into the bed.

Right as I fell back asleep, I heard "Dipper get up!" and a bunch of knocking right after.

"Go away Mabel, let me sleep". I then heard the knob of the door being unlocked, at this point I didn't care what was happening.

Mabel's voice then appeared on the side of my bed "C'mon Dipper, it's the first day of our summer. Anyway, if you get up early today, I will let you sleep in most of the summer." Now that doesn't sound like much of a deal but it is, when you're talking to Mabel. I agree and get up in my bed, at this point Mabel has already gone out of my room and closed the door.

I step onto the cold floor and make my way to my closet, I grab a Nirvana hoodie and black jeans and some converse. I take them to the bathroom and take a shower, hoping to god Grunkle Stan doesn't get on to me for using the hot water. I dry myself off and put clothes, I stare into the mirror for a minute, making sure I didn't look like a complete idiot. Afterwards I exit the bathroom and made my way into the store. Opening time was at nine and it was currently eight, so we had a little time until we would be ushered out of the gift shop. Mabel and Wendy were talking, Mabel was sitting on the counter while Wendy was sitting in her chair behind the cash register with her legs propped up by Mabel.

Wendy at first saw me " Yo Dipper, me and Mabel were going to go to Greasy's Diner in a couple minutes, wanna come?" The real answer was no, I would rather stay here and go back to sleep but I saw Mabel's expression it was like she was begging me to go.

"Sure, I'll go, I'm hungry anyway"

Mabel then got up and said "Lets go then!"

A voice then intervened, "Go where? Last time I checked you three were helping with opening."

"Aw, Grunkel Stan, can we please go, we will be back in time".

Stan then sighed, "Fine but you better bring me back something"

"Will do". Then we headed out the door, got onto the golf cart and went to the diner.

*About 10 minutes later*

Still Dipper's POV

We pulled into the small parking lot of the diner, and we all jumped out of the golf cart. As I looked around, I didn't see many cars, like usual. We walked into the diner and took a seat at the nearest booth. Lazy Susan walks up to us and takes our order, I ordered just some pancakes, I wasn't that hungry even though I said I was. We all talked until the food came, Mabel and Wendy joked around and I just sat there trying ti laugh along. I was sitting on the side that was facing the door, so I saw when a man came in. He was pale, tall, skinny with broad shoulders, his hair was white and was slicked back but also somehow managed to be messy, he was wearing light blue vest with a cyan undershirt and tie. I must have stared at him too long, now he was staring at and observing me. He then had a cocky smile and made his way to our table. Wendy and Mabel must have caught attention of what was happening, Wendy turned around

"Oh no, not that prick." We both seemed to have looks of confusion because she replied "Its that stupid- "

She was suddenly was interrupted by the tall man "Mabel and Dipper, it's been too long"

Right as then man spoke, I instantly knew who it was "Gideon?".

That same smile creeped upon his face "Of course who else is this handsome, expect you"

Did he just flirt with me? I wanted to barf at that moment. I could tell he was cocky and just as Wendy said, a prick. Not only that, he had basically forced Mabel to be his girlfriend, not to fucking mention he put Mabel, me, and all of Gravity Falls in danger, with helping that shit mind demon.

Once that happened Wendy got up angerly and told us "she was going outside" and "she needed some fresh air."

Gideon then slid next to me and asked "wonder what her problem is?"

Mabel shrugged, "I'm not sure, I'm going to go check on her. It was nice seeing you Gideon"

I took this as an opportunity to get away from this sick fuck and tried also try to take a leave, "I should also go check on her, ill go pay the bill."

Mabel stopped me, "It's fine dipper, I think this is a girl to girl conversation." Afterwards she gave me that type of look.

Than Gideon piped in "An anyway I'll take care of the bill for you guys."

"Thanks Gideon" Mabel said as she made her way to the diner door.

"Finally, just me and you Dipper" he then put his arm over me, but instead of yawning he just did it, damn he is confident, too confidant. I started to sweat, I felt my anxiety start to rise.

"Gideon let me go, I need to get back to the mystery shack" I needed to stay calm, if I were to jump on him, who knows what he would do.
Keep in mind this is very hard for me to do, but instead of listening he pulled me closer.

"Why, are you taken? Who should I go beat up?"

I didn't know how to respond, I wasn't taken but someone answered for me. "Actually he is, he's taken by me, and I would advise you to let go of him." I looked to see another man, one I didn't recognize, he was tan, with golden hair that covered one of his eyes, his other eye that was visible was, looked yellow and he wore a simple grey hoodie. Gideon released me, I got up in a panic. The guy whispered to me "Just follow my lead, I can get you out of this."

I sighed and nodded, he held out his hand and I reluctantly took it, we started to walk away from the shocked Gideon "I don't know who you are, but you better keep Dipper safe. If you don't, I'll steal him away." He gave the most smuggest simile I've ever seen.

The mystery man told Gideon "I will" he looked over and smiled and we walked out the diner.

Once we did, I let go of his hand, "Thanks, I guess".

He smiled at me "No problem, I don't like that guy either". The guy offered me his hand "The names Brian"

I took it and shook "I'm Dipper", I really didn't want to but it was the friendly thing to do.

"Oh, I know." I look at him, I never have saw this guy maybe he heard about me from weirdmageddon? "Oh, I just heard Gideon say your name, that's why"

"Oh, yeah that makes sense"

I look around the parking lot for the first time, to find the golf cart isn't there anymore.
I look at my phone to see a text from Mabel that reads, "Sorry we left you Dipper Wendy really needed to get back to the shack. I can come pick you up if you want." I responded with

"No, it's fine I can walk. The shack isn't that far from here." I put my phone back into my pocket, and look up to find Brian studying me. "Sorry I got to go Brain, thanks again" I wave bye to him as I take off towards the shack.

Brian's POV

What the fuck is the name Brian? At least Pinetree bought it, if I can keep my identity a secret it will be much harder but funnier. I can't have that Gideon trying to mess up my plan though, so I need to keep eyes on both of them. I could just kill Gideon though, that would make this so much better! Wait shit, if I do that people would notice that stupid dick is gone. He is too famous and not even for a good reason, unlike me. I set foot towards the that forest that I hate so much, "Pinetree this is only the beginning of our little game"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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