Chapter 01: The First Piece

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Saying that I sucked at Geography was an understatement. I didn't know where most of the countries were located, and if you ever told me to read a map... well let's just say I can't even if my life depended on it. I've always thought North was in the direction I was facing, at least that's what I've been taught. But that makes no sense what so ever. I mean if I turn around doesn't it make North the other way? Directions don't just change like that... Thankfully what our teacher was teaching us right now had no map reading involved. Maybe I'll pass this class after all...

When the bell rang, I almost jumped for joy. Key word, almost. I would've if Mr. Greg wouldn't give me detention for it. Yeah, that's right, he was one of the stricter teachers. The ones that are stick in the mud’s that threaten to have you suspended when you didn't finish your homework. I always finished my work on time though, thankfully. I packed up everything and began to walk out of the classroom. Amelia had track and field practice so she left earlier.

“You'll be fine!” That's all she said to reassure me that Tod won't come begging for me to take him back.

Some best friend she was. I didn't blame her though. It's not the coach's fault that he didn't know my predicament and just had to have practice today. Well, they had practice every week Friday-Today-so it wasn't exactly surprising. I headed for my locker mumbling prayers that Tod doesn't see me. Some students walking by gave me strange looks, but I just flash them smiles to reassure them that I'm not crazy. I don't think it helped... I took extra precaution and looped around the floor just in case, waiting for the hallways to thin out a bit before actually going to my locker. Peaking around the corner, I saw that half the population has already cleared out. There were a few lingering students who either forgot something, had practice, or opened their locker to find everything tumbling down on them and are currently cleaning it up. I sighed in relief as I stepped out into the open, and made my way to my locker.

“Aves, is that you?” Oh no.

That's just freaking perfect. I sped up my pace into an almost jog until I reached my locker. I spun the dial so fast that the numbers got messed up. I let out a noise of impatience when the lock refused to click open.

“Aves, babe. I can explain what happened!” Tod's voice pleaded as he came closer to me.

I gave up my futile attempt at opening the stupid thing and turned so that my back was against it. Someone please kill me now! His green eyes were filled with guilt, and none of the regret that I was expecting. He ran a hand through his blond hair as he peeked at me timidly. Normally I would've had an “Aw...” moment, but now isn't that time.

“Explain? Explain what?” I snapped.

He seemed shocked at my tone. I wasn't one to get angry easily, well actually I do, but he's never seen me like this before. Most people haven't. Tod looked at me with a slightly startled mixed with frightened expression. Good. Maybe he'd give up trying to explain this way. He opened his mouth, but I cut him off before he could utter a single word.

“I saw you kissing Christy right in front of my locker. You two were inseparable until I called over one of your buddies just to break the two of you up!” I know it was rude to, but come on, he was my boyfriend for crying out loud!

“I...” He began but couldn't find the right words to say.

“I thought so. Now leave.” I gritted out, turning so that I wasn't looking at his broken expression, and at my badly painted purple locker instead.

“Aves.” I hated him using that nickname with me.

I've told him a million times that I didn't want to be called that but he didn't listen. Spades used to call me that... Well, Amelia did too, until she saw my expressions when she did. Tod must be getting desperate because he normally wouldn't use it and I even told him the reason why he shouldn't. Does he think I'll soften up just because it was Spades' nickname for me? I don't think so. It just made me feel more mad.

“Leave now, Miller.” I spat, using his last name.

There was silence. All I could hear was his calm breaths that sounded weird next to my rapid, angered ones. He sighed deeply as I head his footsteps heading away from me. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding and went back to working on my lock. It clicked open after the last digit with ease. Oh, so now you open! I closed my eyes and counted to ten as I opened the door to my locker. They say counting helps.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed something was off about my locker. Then I realized what it was when I spotted it. A white chess piece sat on top of my messily stacked books and gym uniform. More specifically a pawn. A pawn that definitely belonged to Spades. How did I know? They weren't normal chess pieces. They belonged to his great, grandmother who had them custom made. They had black swirling patterns decorating their surfaces, white ones for my pieces, and his last name carved on the bottom of each. Just to make sure I took it in my fingers and flipped it. McMasters. My heart beat accelerated as I saw a puzzle piece, and a little note that hung off a tiny gift tag like elastic, attached to it. I carefully unwound it and opened it with shaky fingers.

Sweets, your favourite. It's where you'll find your next clue. On the 4thof November. Until next time, I have to sadly bid adieu.

Hope. That's what I was feeling right now. Those two sentences gave me hope in finding Spades. Maybe he was back. But if he was, why is he hiding? I felt my eyes fill with happy tears as I smiled down at his familiar cursive in the black ink pen. I'm not a hundred percent sure it's him, but I'm not letting this chance slip by me. 4thof November is this Sunday! Two days from now. I only have two days to figure this out... Sweets... Now where could that be?


What do you think of it so far? (: Comments and votes are greatly appreciated! I'm thinking of entering this into the Watty Awards so please vote! :D

FAMMOTE! :D Until next time spinkles away to the end of the rainbow! 

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