Chapter 80: "Kidnapped"

Start from the beginning

"Quick! Take her away!" a very deep, gravely voice rumbled.

No sooner had she heard the words that her feet left the ground and her body was lifted up. The sudden swerve made her head go in circles. With the quick stomping of feet hitting the ground and the wind blowing past, Salma realized whoever it was, had started running away with her. Behind her back, her finger throbbed. Her arm still seared and her head kept spinning. She had no idea who was carrying her. Was it a friend or a foe? Her heart hammered in her chest, not knowing if she was she being taken to safety or more danger? But whoever it was, he kept pressing her closer, adding unnecessary, searing pressure to her injured arm that was making her eyes water.

The person gasped. Salma felt them turn for an instant as if to take a look behind them. She heard hurried footsteps in hot pursuit. There was a sharp change of direction and the absence of the cold. She guessed they had entered a building. The echoing footsteps further confirmed her suspicion that they were indeed running down a hallway. Her heart skipped a beat when the person suddenly skidded to take a sharp turn, then began pounding in sync with the stomping feet that seemed to have started climbing stairs.

A couple more nausea-inducing speedy turns and then the person came to a sudden halt. Everything suddenly became very still. The loud drumming of the pumping organ in her ribcage was the only noise that disturbed the quiet. The person holding her tensed. He pulled her closer. His labored breath fanned against her face. The grazing of her shoe against an even surface made Salma guess he was standing flat against a wall, hiding. In the distance, the sounds of approaching footsteps grew loud. She felt him draw her even tighter - probably trying to press flat against the wall. With her ear pinned against his heaving chest, she realized her heart wasn't the only one going berserk. He was just as scared. The realization didn't help as Salma's trembling intensified. Mute, blind-folded and bound by ropes, her fingers shook like a leaf behind her back.

The footsteps became even louder. The person chasing after them was very close. Both of them stilled, not even daring to breathe as the man seemed to have reached the landing. He had paused. Probably trying to ascertain which way they had gone. Salma desperately prayed for him to not find her unless. . .

. . . Unless the one holding her meant to harm her and the only chasing after them was the rescuer.

Icy cold fear crawled around her gut. Not knowing who was who made her insides jump to her throat. The seconds dragged by longer as she desperately bit back broken sobs and listened harder.

The footsteps drew closer. Salma swallowed. Her trembling became worse. She felt the man loosen his grip over her and take a step. Away from the wall, Salma presumed. Cautiously, she was lowered. For one crazy second, Salma thought he was going to play 'get help' and throw her at the chaser to buy himself a chance to escape.

However, whether he was about to throw her at the chaser, or settle her down so he could fight him, Salma never found out. His movements paused at the sound of more footsteps stomping up the stairs. The commotion that ensued made Salma realize members of the opposite parties had confronted each other at the landing. She flinched at the loud noises and anguished cries, wishing she at least had the freedom to cover her ears. The man holding her pressed her closer once more as he straightened up.

Salma felt her shoe drawing a line against the wall. He was edging out of the hiding spot. A terrible gurgling sound reached her ears, followed by the slapping of flesh hitting flesh. Salma imagined a man getting choked struggling against the other. Bile rose to her throat. She feared she was about to throw up through her gag and into her niqaab. Unexpectedly, the man holding her broke into a run. He seemed to shoot straight, judging by the wind whipping at her scarf, then skid around a sharp turn. The quick movement made Salma's stomach churn. She retched. However being empty, her convulsing gut had nothing to throw out.

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