How I manage to do it and how Jisoo actually followed despite her chuckling state was a mystery to me, but when I carefully guided her to enter right through that door which happened to be the restroom, she obliged.

I didn't want to make her feel as uncomfortable as she already is but I had no choice but to cover her mouth because she was giggling.

"My sweet Chu, be a good baby girl to Yoongi-chi, okay?" I whispered to her and my heart melted when her eyes glistened, and slowly, she nodded.

"Suga hyung?" I heard Jungkook calling for my name. And soon enough, I heard the sound of them knocking.

"Are you there? Aren't you done yet? I need to use the restroom. Hoseok hyung was camping on the other," Jungkook's panic voice can be heard. And was that Taehyung laughing.

"Ahm," I gulped. "I'm doing number two. This will take a while," I shouted, and just when I moved to make sure that the door was closed, Jisoo jumped away from me and started flushing the toilet.

"Shit," I cursed.

"Ah, hyung!" Jungkook started whining and I jumped closer to Jisoo.

I put down the lid on the toilet but she suddenly grabs on of Jin hyung's Bt21 towel and my eyes widened after I realized what she was about to do.

It's been a habit of her to throw things on the tub and I swear to God Jin hyung will lose his cool if you mess up with his Rj's.

So I did what I knew better, my right hand took a hold of the towel and secured her hands around my waist my other hand securing both of hers. It wasn't tight because I don't wanna hurt her.

And then she gave me the look, the same one she used to give to me when she thinks of something.

I gritted my teeth, my eyes avoiding her gaze.

Her eyes, the spark has changed, something that still puzzles me how she was able to do ever since. Her eyes channel every emotion she wants to convey.

Just then, we heard another knock.

"I told you, Kook, I'm-ahmmm, oh shit" my words were cut off when I felt her lips starting grazing the skin on my neck,  she was prepping it with kisses I feel like my inside is about to burst, "not, hmm, done yet," I continued as I try to call every Greek God I know so I can stop myself from moaning even more.

But no matter how much I try, another moan escaped my lips and this time, the knocking stopped.

"Hyung, if you're going to watch some porn and do the deed, do it in your room, ge'ez!" our maknae snickered and soon enough, Taehyung's laughter echoed outside.

I grunted internally and I felt my member down there getting wild when I felt Jisoo biting me a little, sucking my skin.

That's definitely going to leave a mark.

"Whatever, I'll just use the bathroom inside Jin hyung's. Stop following me V hyung, I told you I'm not going with you," I heard Jungkook's voice fading until I the sound of another door shutting filled my ears.

A long breath escaped my lips, I felt the beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

"Boo b-" I was about to scold her a little for her little stunt earlier when I felt her body leaned even more on my own, her weigh all pressed into mine.

Releasing a long sigh, I carefully put down the towel and carry her bridal style.

I'm pretty sure Taehyung followed Jungkook. Knowing the two, Taehyung will not stop until Jungkook gives in to what he was asking.

So slowly, I tried opening the door with my other hand, my eyes scanning the place. Once I was sure nobody is outside, I walked straight to the corridor to the direction of my room.

I wasn't breathing. The idea that one of the boys would see us scaring the shit out of me.

But we were able to reach the room without anyone seeing. After locking the door, I put her down on my bed, my hands reaching for my blanket to cover her figure.

My eyes scanned her face, a soft smile forming on my lips.

She was smiling.

It wasn't the first time Jisoo acted like this because she had done it multiple times even before. Only this time, she's a thousand times prettier.

Like always, I would admire her beauty while she sleeps on my bed. Kim Jisoo, like the first time I saw her, I was mesmerized, not just with her beauty but her adorableness too.

Normally, I would be mad when someone cuts my sleep but when she entered the fire exit that time and kept mumbling how Dalgom-ah omma should stay strong, she already got me.

That's when I knew I need to have her.

And I did.

I lifted my hands to brush a few strands of hair covering her face.

One major problem now is, how am I going to sneak her out without anyone seeing? Additionally,  how long until her members find out that she wasn't in her room.

A smirk show on my face

Kim Jisoo, you are indeed a troublemaker.

But it's fine, as long as you're mine.

I lean a little and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Sleepwell my Chu," I smiled. "I love you..."

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