“Alice…” Mommy says from outside my door. “Are you okay?”


“Alice sweetie, open the door.”


After a while mommy stops knocking at my door and I hear footsteps walk away. I put my face in my pillow and scream. I scream and cry until my voice is almost gone. Michael cant be dead! He’s at fucking boot camp! I refuse to believe it. Its a mistake. Michael is fine, he probably just got separated from everyone else.

I need to get out of here. Talk to someone. Anaiya? No, she’s at home spending time with her boyfriend. My parents? Hell no! Brothers? Not even an option. Bella and Rose? I don’t trust them… I guess the only person left is Jacob then.

I pull out my phone and with shaking fingers dial his number. He answers on the first ring, “Hey Ali, what’s up?” He says happily. I open my mouth to answer, but a sob comes out instead and I collapse to my knees. I sob into the phone trying to control the emotions running through me. “Alice! What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is it the baby?” He asks worriedly. I try to speak again, but only sobs continue to come out of my mouth. I cant speak, it’s difficult to breath… “Alice!” Jacob screams through the phone. My fingers give way and the phone easily slips between my fingers and onto the floor, face up. Jacob’s voice continues to speak through the speakers. “Alice, answer me! Damn it!” No answer, only sobs. “I’m coming over! I’ll be there in 5.” And he hangs up.

I curl into a fetal position and bring my knees up to my chest. My heart aches horribly and I cant feel my body. This cannot be happening… It cant! Michael was about to be a father. He is a father! He cant leave me… leave us. He promised!!

My hand flies automatically to my stomach. My baby… our baby cannot grow up without knowing it’s father. It’s actual father.

My sobbing turns to sniveling. I glance at my bedroom door and without thinking, jump up to a standing position. I head to the bathroom, do my best to rid myself of tears- even though it’s easily noticeable that I’ve been crying- and change into different clothes. Once I pull my jacket on my body, I run to the door and open the door hoping to find no one standing outside my door. Unfortunately, the universe hates me and I’m facing my brothers. I’m so not in the mood for this.

“You aren’t going anywhere. Your grounded remember?” Emmett says, crossing his arms across his chest. I try to refrain from speaking, if I do I’ll start crying again. I just push past them, pull my hoodie over my head and keep walking ignoring their protest. I make it to the front door by the time they block my way again. “Alice your not going anywhere.”

I hear Jacob’s honk outside. I try to go past, but they wont let me. Rosalie looks out the window, “Jacob’s here.” She tells them looking over at me. “Alice… are you crying?”

Edward snarls, the comment about me crying going over his head, “Your definitely not going with him!” He raises his voice.

“What’s going on?” Mom asks as she walks into the living room.

“Alice you wanna tell mom where your going and who your going with while your grounded?” Emmett says smugly.

“Thanks Emmett, Edward, but I don’t need you to speak for your father and I . We’re her parents, now go…” Mom shoos them away.

“Come on Ed. Em.” Rosalie grabs their hands and takes them out of the room.

I turn to my mom and she sees the tears beneath my eyes. “Baby what’s wrong?” She asks worriedly, walking up to me and cupping my face.

MJ Fantasy- Traveling SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now