-Chapter Nine-

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My breathing grows heavier as I stare up at Keons.

"W-where's Chloe?" I croak out. Usually, I wouldn't be scared of just him but now all the other bishops are here now and they'll witness my death and Seth's.

"Right here." He says. Suddenly, two guards walk in from behind the thrones. Chloe is held between them, her hands pinned behind her back and her mouth taped up. She looks over with desperate eyes. I feel myself let go out a breath knowing she's okay, "I've known you were a Bandito since you tried to escape, June." Keons continues, "But I also knew you wouldn't go down easily. The plan was to lure you here with someone you care about." He looks over at Seth, "However it seems we've caught two birds with one stone."

He gestures for the guards to bring Chloe over and they place her in front of him. She looks terrified and it hurts to look at. Seth looks terrified too, though he also looks angry. I knew I should've come alone, and now he's been dragged into it and is going to be Snatched too.

"There's no better way to break someone then hurt the people they care about. It's a shame that she's the only person who cares about you." He says.

It stings as he says it but I know it's true. I swallow hard and look up at him again.

"Let her go." I say, surprisingly calmly.

"I'll let her go. Later." He states, starting to pace in front of me and Seth.

"Why are you doing this, Keons?" I question, "What are you going to gain from it?"

"Well, June...you're quite an interesting specimen. I want to see how much stress I can put on you before you break, and I know you don't break easy. But I believe with the right things you will snap like a twig."

"Try me." I shouldn't have said that.

"Happily." He spits, nodding to one of the guards. The guards behind us drag Seth backwards and pull him towards Chloe so they stand together, "Stand up." He commands. I slowly get to my feet and stretch my legs. He points behind me and I turn around.

My breath catches on my throat and is released as a shaky breath as I see who's stood before me. The familiar face, familiar hair, familiar eyes.

Diego stands in front of me with red eyes and a black neck. Everything inside me hurts as I look at him. Of course, I've seen him around DEMA before, but not this close. Now it really hurts. I remember how he used to smile at the dumbest things that made me smile too and how he was always there for me when I needed him most. I start grieving for him again and feel anger build inside me. Anger that the bishops took him from me. Anger that I'll never have my best friend back.

Keons holds his hand out and gestures for me to take a handgun off him. I reluctantly take it, unsure of his plan.

"Shoot him." Keons commands.

"What?" I look from Keons to the gun, "No!"

"Shoot him." He repeats. I shake my head, staring into Diego's eyes. He looks so different.

"I'm not-"

"Then I'll shoot her." Keons retorts, pulling out another gun and holding it to Chloe's head. I freeze. He's making me choose between them, but I can't. They're both my best friends...well...Diego was.

I hold the gun up and point it at him. His face remains emotionless as he stares at me. I close my eyes as I place my finger on the trigger, memories of out time together flashing through my head like lightening. I remember everything about him. Everything about us growing up together. Everything about us living together. Everything about finding out he's gone.

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