Derek-More than friends

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You and derek have always just been best friends, it's just always been that way you couldn't imagine it any different

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You and derek have always just been best friends, it's just always been that way you couldn't imagine it any different.

Until it started to become different y/n starting to feel nervous and get butterflies around Derek, when he spoke she'd just stare into his eyes sometimes being rudely interrupted by him.

Sometimes y/n would wonder if he would ever like her back but they've always just been best friends.

One day y/n decided she might as well try and move on so she decided to go on a date.

She has had quite a few people ask her out but has rejected every one of them.
So she decided to say yes to none other than Matt Daehler.

"Derek!"You called out walking into his loft as if it was your own home.

"Yes." Derek said calmly, curious about what you were about to go on a rant about.

"Guess who got a daaate!" You slurred.
"What?"Derek gasped sarcastically ,"and with whom may I ask?" He said with grin on his face.

To be honest you were kind of disappointed that he didn't react more jealous or angry.

"Matt Daehlerrr!"You said keeping up your exited act.

"Who!!" Derek shouted at You, giving you a fright.
" the kid who we thinks controlling the kanima are you kidding me!"
" no forget it cancel that date right now!"

"Uhh you can't tell me what to do." You said with a smirk on your face, enjoying the entertainment.

"Cancel the date." Derek said looking concerned." Please."

"Okay, okay " you said " thanks for ruining my night, read my shirt" his eyes scan your shirt."I'm really feeling it right now!"

"Your welcome." Derek said with an unwanted smirk on his face.

"You can stay and watch a movie if you want?" Derek offered.

"Well it's the least you can do, but first I'm going to have to go and call my date to cancel on him last minute." You scoffed.
Derek rolled his eyes.

~Time skip~

You were fast asleep on Derek.

You were watching me before you, you've already watched it (and cried your eyeballs out) like seven times so you got bored and fell asleep while you were cuddling Derek with a big fluffy blanket.

Little did you know that he was sitting there admiring you, staring at you with sparks in his eyes.

You never knew but Derek liked you too.

He thought you would be uncomfortable so he carried you across the loft into his bedroom to place you down peacefully on his bed.

His kissed your forehead as he said "I love you."

You slowly started shifting around in your sleep.

Derek starting panicking wondering if you had heard what he had stated seconds before.

"I love you too." You whispered.

Opening you eyes and grinning
Derek couldnt take it any longer.

It took you by shock as his lips crashed into your sending sparks throughout your body.

Your lips moved in sink as If the missing puzzle piece had just been found and fit in perfectly.

Your lips slowly departed as you both gasped for air.

You foreheads pressed up against each other ,you both had ridiculous smiles on your faces and were laughing like idiots.

You foreheads pressed up against each other ,you both had ridiculous smiles on your faces and were laughing like idiots

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" You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." He said.
"I think I do." You replied.
You and derek spent the rest of the night cuddling, dreaming of your first date.

This is my first imagine so don't judge.
Word count:590

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