My Type (Seungmin)

Depuis le début

You laughed dryly before facing the group of boys again.  "You're right.  It's not funny.  It's hilarious.  Where did you get the crazy idea that you're entitled to everything?  That's your problem.  If your names aren't engraved into these seats, pick another row."  You sat down, pulling out your notebook, and the group looked at you in disbelief, but Seungmin stared at you in awe.  No one really stood up to the guys.  You had been the first.  

The group went on to sit in the row behind yours, but you felt someone take a seat next to you.  You looked over and saw Seungmin, sitting there.  He faced you for a second.  The look in his eyes was just like before- blank and mysterious.  But then one corner of his lips lifted into a small smile.

You found yourself smiling back.  So maybe not all nine boys were jerks...

Over the weeks, you mustered your courage and ended up becoming friends with Seungmin.  You sat together in whatever classes you shared, and you never expected him to talk.  You would just naturally tell him about your day or talk to him about something random, and he'd just nod or shake his head in response.  Occasionally, he'd string together a few words to answer you.  His voice was soft and delicate, which surprisingly went hand-in-hand with his personality.  You soon realized he was nothing like the others, and the others started seeing you in a new light.  The group's name was Stray Kids.  From time-to-time, they invited you out to eat or hang out.  They weren't bad boys like you had originally thought.  They were actually some of the best people you got to know.  Chan apologized to Sehun and, in fact, all the other students Stray Kids had been mean to.

One afternoon, you waited in Stray Kids' hangout, knowing Seungmin would swing by any minute.  You had personally made a fruit tart for him, but at the center of the tart, the strawberries and blueberries were arranged in the shape of a heart.  You realized that whenever you felt miserable and were stressed because of exams, Seungmin was always there for you.  He wouldn't say much, but the handful of words he had said made you feel a million times better.  It wasn't long before you noticed your heart fluttering every time you were around him.  This fruit tart, more or less, was your confession.

You heard light footsteps behind you, and you jumped up from your spot on the sofa to see Seungmin.  A smile spread on your face as you handed him the fruit tart, and he stared at it before giving you that blank, mysterious stare.

"I really like you," you smiled genuinely.  "You've been there for me my whole first year of college, and I've grown to really really like you.  Even though you don't say much, you and I click so well."

Seungmin furrowed his brows, "Sorry, Y/N.  I can't accept this... or your feelings.  I don't like you."

That was probably the longest sentence you'd ever heard him speak.  And even better, he had used that sentence to reject you.  You felt tears well up in your eyes.  You were strong.  You didn't want to cry.  More footsteps.  The rest of Stray Kids walked in, laughing with arms slung around each other's shoulders.  Then they stopped when they saw you and Seungmin.

This had been the first time you'd ever told someone you liked them.  You had thought that maybe just maybe he liked you back.  

Seungmin handed the fruit tart back to you, and you pitifully took it before handing it to Chan on the way out, tears streaming down your face.  

Chan stared down at the fruit tart and realized what had happened.  He shoved the dessert into Changbin's hands and ran after you.  He found you sitting on a bench a little ways away from the hangout.  You were desperately wiping at your eyes with the hem of your blouse.  But the tears wouldn't stop coming.  

"Hey," Chan said, softly, taking a seat next to you.  "Listen, Seungmin-"

"It's okay.  I don't need to be comforted," you sniffled.  "It's my fault for walking around like that with my heart on my sleeve.  I wish I could go back there and apologize to him."

Chan laughed.  "Apologize?  Weren't you the one who told me to never say sorry unless you've done something wrong?  Liking someone isn't a crime, Y/N.  And Seungmin... he just isn't sure of his emotions right now.  He's always been on the quieter side.  And then he met you.  You may not realize it, but you've changed that boy so much."

You nodded.  "That's great.  I'm glad."  You stood up to leave when someone grabbed your wrist, and you turned around to see Seungmin standing there, his fingers wrapped tightly around your wrist.

"Y/N, I should be the one saying sorry.  And I really mean it."

"Don't apologize.  You can't force yourself to like me," you smiled, but your heart ached so much seeing him.  

"I'm sorry because I haven't been honest with you.  You're the best person I've ever met.  You're so confident and sure of yourself, and you don't care what other people think.  You're not like the girls that chase after our group, dying for our attention.  And I realized a little late that you're exactly my type.  I can't see myself with anyone else."

Chan almost fainted.  "You can SPEAK?!?!??!!"

Seungmin rolled his eyes playfully.  "I'm really sorry for what I said earlier."

You laughed.  "You should be!  I knew that if I couldn't convince you, the fruit tart would.  It's my family's best dessert dish."

"You mean this fruit tart?" Changbin held up an empty container , and the other boys walked towards them, wiping the crumbs away from their mouths.  "It was really good."

Seungmin wrinkled his nose.  "You ate my girlfriend's confession."  He faced you.  "Guess you'd better make me another one."

He slipped his hand in yours and pulled you flush against him.  You didn't feel overwhelmingly happy.  You felt something you never felt before.  Complete.


A/N: I have been so so SO stressed out recently with all the exams I've been having, so I'm sorry for not updating in a while!!  Thanks @PrincessFayeInPink for requesting this!!  Can you tell I've been binging Boys Over Flowers and Meteor Garden???  Hahaha, those two dramas heavily inspired this imagine haha.

Question of the imagine:  What's your favorite thing to do when you're stressed out??  For me, it's either writing or doodling while listening to my favorite music.  But I need suggestions for new things I can try because this is only the beginning of the school year for me hahaa T_T

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