part five: the finale

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Jungkook's eyes bulged out of their sockets when he saw the gorgeous man sitting at the table a few feet ahead. Jungkook had always seen Taehyung in a cafe setting. But that was when he was working, in a uniform, running around a kitchen. This was completely different. He was in a white turtle neck, formal khakis and his dark hair had been brushed smooth. He looked like a prince. He looked like he was waiting for someone. Like he was waiting for his. . .Jungkook gasped.

He looks like he's waiting for his date.

Jungkook blew out, trying to keep in his sudden giddiness

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Jungkook blew out, trying to keep in his sudden giddiness. He looked down at his own outfit, white t-shirt, orange sweater, his hair had formed into their natural curls. He had not prepared. Honestly, as soon as he got off the phone with Taehyung, he had bolted out the door, running as fast as his feet would carry him.

He began walking forward, to where Taehyung was sitting, staring out into space with a box of munchkins on the table. Coming up in front of him he gave a weird smile, trying to make him laugh.

The boy cracked the tiniest smile, it wasn't even a smile, just a simple lift of the cheeks

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The boy cracked the tiniest smile, it wasn't even a smile, just a simple lift of the cheeks.

Wow, must be pretty serious.

Taehyung pushed the munchkins closer to Jungkook, who just looked at them.


Taehyung now sweating nervously. He wanted to speak, but his throat suddenly felt dry, he couldn't figure out how to form a sentence, his voice refused to work. Jungkook was now in front of him. He was really here. Right here. So close to him.

"Jungkook, um, j-just let me start," Taehyung stammered. Jungkook nodded, grinning. Taehyung noticed that Jungkook was very tense, his face was red and his legs were constantly moving.

Is he getting impatient?? Oh no! Jungkook I don't want you to leave. . .

Taehyung's devil spoke in his mind, producing more fear that he was already experiencing. Fear of rejection. Fear of losing a friend. Fear of suffering. Alone.

He took a deep breath. He had already made up his mind that today he would confess. He would tell Jungkook. He would. He will. He can. Taehyung cleared his throat and began to speak.


"Jungkook, when we first met, you were like 18? I think so, anyway, you had come with your friends, to this cafe and as soon as the four of you walked in I knew that you would be coming back. I knew because of the way Jin hyung had consumed those donuts. Anyway, when I saw you, I honestly found you adorable. I watched you grow from an older adolescent to a fully matured adult. Just from the times you came to the cafe,"

Jungkook loved the way Taehyung's lips moved as he talked. He blushed even more. Taehyung thought he was cute. He bit his lower lip to keep from giggling like a schoolboy.

"So, as you grew your friends and you talked about so many things. So so so many things and through your conversations, that you so kindly invited me to sometimes, I learned more and more about you."

"To be honest I was envious of your friendship with those boys. All of you are so close knit, and so cute together, I was jealous, for a really long time, and I wished every night that I would become friends with such amazing people like, like you,"

Taehyung paused, swallowing, trying to process what he would say next. Jungkook was staring intensely at him.

"And then, I don't know what happened but something stirred inside my heart. I started developing," Taehyung's breath hitched, he tugged at his collar, anxiously. "D-developing fe-feelings, and they were for yo---"


Jungkook had heard enough. He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to kiss Taehyung, and now the last sentence Taehyung had just said was permission enough.

He stood up cutting off Taehyung's words and leaned over the table until he was just centimeters from Taehyung's face. The older boy was now frozen in his seat.

"Jungkook, everybody's watching," he rasped. Jungkook's eyes zoned in on Taehyung's beautiful lips that he wanted to feel against his own.

"I don't care, Taehyung, I like you too," Jungkook whispered. Taehyung beamed, gently placing his hands on Jungkook's cheeks and pulling him closer, until their lips touched.

The feeling of euphoria exploded in Jungkook's core as his joy was unleashed into the kiss.

Taehyung smiled through Jungkook's lips, his happiness and satisfaction unexplainable. The sun seemed to brighten, the clouds moving on. Taehyung would never be able to express the energy he was experiencing through feeling Jungkook's lips.

The boys finally pulled apart, eyes glimmering and out of breath. They came around the table and collided in a loving bear hug.

"Taehyung, you kinda tasted like munchkins," Jungkook said into Taehyung's warm chest, nuzzling his cashmere sweater. Taehyung laughed loudly, his deep voice vibrating his entire body.

"Jungkook, I think I might love you."


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...THE END...


thank you so much to my readers, y'all are amazing and wonderful and beautiful and I PURPLE YOU.

don't be a silent reader. . .tell me what you thought! 

thanks loves👋💜


tell me in the comments. . .would you guys want an epilogue??

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