part one

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"It's fine, we can just share," Namjoon said. Jin frowned at him.

"Yeah right, like I'm gonna share these beautiful delicate rings with you guys," Jungkook looked at his hyungs. Fighting.

Over donuts.

"Just go get some more!" Jungkook suggested.

"You'd think we would've if this stupid cafe hadn't run out of donuts!" Jin hyung whined. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Hyung, you knew they would be out, but you insisted on coming here anyway! This happens every time," Jimin grumbled under his breath. Jungkook leaned back in his chair and pulled out his phone.

"Call Taehyung, we'll just order some munchkins," Jungkook suddenly corrected his posture at the mention of their waiter.

Every week they came here. Every week Jungkook and his three best friends from highschool had come to this same donut shop, and every week, without fail, they had always had the same server. So often they saw this waiter, he had almost become one of them.

Kim Taehyung.

"Hyungs," Taehyung automatically walked over to their usual table and gave them all his signature rectangular smile

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"Hyungs," Taehyung automatically walked over to their usual table and gave them all his signature rectangular smile. The four boys looked up at their friend. "You called for me?" Taehyung flashed them another grin.

Jungkook's heart began to beat faster.

Taehyung looked at the brown haired boy that always caught his attention the most, sitting in his usual seat by the window.

"Jungkook, no macchiato today?" Taehyung asked him. Jungkook, who was slightly younger than him, seemed to be frozen in place. Taehyung felt himself blush. He touched his cheeks, a bit surprised at his reaction to Jungkook's gaze.

"Eh, Taehyung," Namjoon hyung said, breaking the two younger boys out of their trances. Taehyung slowly looked back to Namjoon. "Could we get an order of munchkins?"

"Yeah of course! I'll be back," Taehyung saluted the group of boys lightly and jogged into the back.

Jungkook stared after him. As soon as he disappeared into the cafe kitchen he let himself relax. Namjoon was eyeing him suspiciously. Jungkook gave his hyung a tight smile.

After the boys finished gorging themselves of the sweet treats they finally stood up to leave

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After the boys finished gorging themselves of the sweet treats they finally stood up to leave. As they walked out the door Jungkook panned the cafe for Taehyung. But he couldn't see him anywhere. Disappointment sparked in Jungkook chest, but suddenly he spotted the handsome waiter at the side counter speaking to someone.

Namjoon hyung.

Jungkook watched as they talked, unable to stop the smiles that occurred on his face as Taehyung blushed and absentmindedly tugged at his mullet like he always did when he was nervous about something. That's how much Jungkook observed him. Every week. Jungkook had no idea what was running through Taehyung's mind, but all he knew was that he found it adorable.

They spoke for a few more seconds before Taehyung pulled out his phone. Namjoon seemed to be reciting something for him. Jungkook shrugged it off and went to stand outside with Jimin and Jin hyung. They were play fighting on the sidewalk. Namjoon came outside and gave Jungkook a huge, innocent smile.

"Ready?" Jin hyung asked all of them, the friends nodded. "Let's go,"


This is was just the beginning

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This is was just the beginning...

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