part three

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"Oh!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Oh my god!! I didn't see you there, I'm so so sor--" Taehyung's voice faltered when he saw the bunny-toothed boy sheepishly brushing the spilt coffee off of his sweatshirt. "Jungkook," the name came out as a raspy whisper. Taehyung cleared his throat to resume his apologies.

"Taehyung," Jungkook held up a hand in front of Taehyung. "Don't worry about it, go get that table another coffee, I'll be right here," Jungkook's warm smile was enough to make Taehyung tense. He could already feel the heat forming in his face.

"U-uh, yeah, yeah, I'm sorry again, I'll be right back," Taehyung gave Jungkook a sad look, " I'm sorry," Jungkook just shook his head and smiled again, Taehyung couldn't help but feel reassured as he walked away to make another coffee.

Jungkook relaxed his muscles when Taehyung walked into the kitchen. "God, you almost made me break down Taehyung," Jungkook sighed. He watched through the little window in the door as Taehyung hurriedly prepared the coffee.

Taehyung glanced sideways, his eyes subconsciously widened when he realized Jungkook was watching him. Taehyung chanted quietly to himself to keep calm.

"Jungkook, you make me want to curl into a ball and hide in a pillowcase," he said under his breath.


"Sorry again, about your sweatshirt. . ." Taehyung said to Jungkook as they stood outside the cafe together. Jungkook shrugged.

"It's fine, seriously, I have so many of these," he laughed. Taehyung tried to join in his laughter but his rapid heartbeat was making it hard for him to breathe. He looked down at his shoes, adjusting the tie on his apron. He knew his manager would be waiting for him inside, he had only been given 10 minutes. But he wanted to stay out here with Jungkook for as long as possible.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook spoke, Taehyung almost jumped at the sound of his voice. "You okay? You look nervous," the younger boy asked.

"Um, yeah, I'm fi--actually, can I be honest with you?" Taehyung said. He could barely hear his own voice now. His heart skipped a beat when Jungkook stepped closer to him. Taehyung resisted shrinking backwards.


A strong feeling arose in Jungkook's stomach. Taehyung's lips were so close, he could feel his warm breath on his chin. He wanted to hug him, and kiss him and tell him that everything would be fine, but he had no idea what he was going to say. His heart was beating at a dangerous speed, he was sure Taehyung could hear it.


Taehyung felt as if he was in a haze. Jungkook was so close. Right there. In his grasp. He wanted to grab his hand and run away. But he restrained. He was scared. Scared to lose Jungkook's friendship. Scared of rejection.


"Of course you can be honest with me," Jungkook said with a smile. Taehyung smiled slightly back.

"Um, okay, well, I, uh. . ." Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. It was really happening. He was confessing.

Confidence. Confidence.

Then suddenly he heard Jungkook exhale heavily. Taehyung looked up, Jungkook was staring straight into Taehyung's eyes. Both the boys swallowed without noticing.

"Jungkook, I li---"

Taehyung's manager's shout was loud enough to hear over both the boys' hearts.



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● munchkin ● || ● taekook AU ●Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora