New Hope

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Astro relaxed into the kiss and you swore you felt sparks in your chest. When you pulled away astro hugged you close to him just as Zoran ran back in with a camera. Truth be told, you didn't even notice her leave to fetch it. When she saw you two were no longer kissing she grew a pout.

"Aww c'mon I leave for two seconds. Do it again." She commanded. Astro blushed deeply.

"Zoran!" He chided quietly. Zoran then grew an evil smile.

"Hey (y/n).." she began putting her hands behind her back as she rocked back and forth on her feet. "Guess what Astro did once when you were sleeping."

"ZORAN!" Astro shouted causing her to laugh. You jolted from the sudden noise and Astro threw you an applogetic look just before Zoran pushed you into his face causing an accidental kiss.

Your cheeks ignited and Astro barely caught you as he fell backward. Before you could pull away a flash went off. You sat up and saw Zoran pumped a fist.

"Yay!" She cheered.

"Zoran!" Astro growled gently seeting you aside before jumping to his feet. You smiled. They were so crazy. And yet somehow the perfect family for you.

Finally astro sat beside you with a laugh as Zoran had requested a group photo. She set up the camera and ran over and sat between you and just before the flash went over you pushed a kiss on astro's cheek.

When Zoran was finished you felt astro take your hand. Suddenly the letter came to your mind.

"Astro! I never got the letter. What did it say?" Astro's cheeks ignited and he could barely look at you.

"It was just asking if you'd be my g-g-girlfriend?" He stammered looking you in the eyes. Your eyes widened and you felt a familar spark in your chest.

"Yes!" You cheered throwing your arms around him Astro caught you and you pressed one more kiss on his lips. And though you hardly noticed it a flash went off.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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