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You led Zoran to the locker room / break room. And picked up your back pack and opened.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a singer?" Zoran asked cutely holding hands behind her back as she leaned back on forth.

"You never asked." You said simply taking out a baseball cap you pulled it over her head. "Keep that on." You said zipping your backpack up again.

"Why did you call me your sister?" Zoran chirped pushing up the cap a little and following you to the door. "And why do I gotta wear this cap?" She questioned looking up at you.

"The last two have the same answer." You replied as you retook the small girl's hand again. "People here can't know that you're a robot." You whispered leading her to the park again.

"How come?" She asked running ahead of you and skipping backward. You sensed there was a reason she was acting so cute.

"Because they'll try to dismantle you dear." You tried to soften your tone to not frighten her. Zoran froze as though she heard something. She gripped your wrist.

"Come on we gotta-" She froze when you saw the boys from earlier ahead of you. You pulled her behind you gently.

"Connor." You said civilly. "Get wind of our performance and get jealous?" You asked jokingly.

"Nah." The boy retorted with a shrug. "But I did get wind of your conversation." He said with an evil smile.

"Don't make me hurt you." You said with a forced sweet tone. The boy only shook his head his smile never faultering.

"Oh don't worry. I'm not looking for a fight. Just the kid. Robot like that. Make quite a bit ya know. Now that I look at 'er she is kinda cute." Connor said tilting his head to see her. Zoran glared and stick her tounge out.

"One more step and I'll knock that smirk right off ya." You warned. Connor laughed slightly then threw a punch. You dodged and caught his fist before flipping him over your shoulder.

You released and he hit the wall. You took Zoran' s hand and you both ran to the park. Breathing deeply you caught your breath.

"See?" You said with a gentle smile. "Now where's your home. I'm walking you there this time." Zoran jumped up happily.

"This way!" She said grabbing your arm excitedly. You two walked and talked till you arrived at the house. You gave a knock and waited. Suddenly the door opened and boy stood there without a shirt or pants and you jolted backwards a blush igniting on your cheeks.

The boy went to ask you something but his eyes fell on Zoran.

"Zoran! Where have you been?!" The boy scolded opening the door the rest of the way and folding his arms. Zoran only shot him a glare and turned to look at you.

"Can I come visit you sometime?" She asked pleadingly. You looked down at her with a frown.

"Maybe we'll preform sometime again but for now. I have to get home and you have some explaining to do." You said gesturing to the boy. Zoran sighed.

"I'm sorry for running off Astro. I'll try never to do it again." She sounded quite sincere before she hugged you then ran inside. You turned to leave but the boy you assumed went by Astro spoke up.

"Hey thanks for taking care of my sister." You felt something spark in your chest when he spoke and you walked away faster.

"Yeah. You're welcome." You said quickly before running away.

"Hey wait!" The boy called after you. He reached after you but you vanished around the corner. Astro grew a confused look. "I didn't get her name."

Zoran had gone in her room and shut the door. Astro walked down the hall with a frown. Had he scared Zoran's friend? He certainly hadn't meant to. Suddenly heard Zoran singing from inside her room. Leaning over Astro watched the door slide open slightly sensing his movement.

"And she could sing really pretty too!" Zoran gushed to her pet bird Houdini. "And look what she taught me." Zoran danced around the way she had at the club and Houdini squawed in approval. Astro watched her with his jaw slacking slightly. Zoran had never been able to move like that.

Suddenly Zoran smiled as she twirled around wearing a sly smirk.

"It's rude to easdrop Astro." Astro jolted from shock then stood fully walking into the room.

"Where'd you learn to dance?" He asked curiously.

"That's none of your buisness." Zoran said turning away. "Besides I would hate to burden you." She said as she petted Houdini. Astro frowned sadly.

"Listen, Zoran I'm sorry." He said taking a step forward opening his arms.

"You mean it?" Zoran asked looking over her shoulder.

"Yes. I'm sorry. Zoran? Forgive me?" He asked with a smile. Zoran ran over and glomped him in a hug.

"Of course I forgive you!"

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