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You were pulled up a stair way semi roughly by tenma. Tugging against him you felt metal cuffs lock around your arms.

"I'd stop thrashing if I were you. They tighten with movement." Tenma warned. He might have been lying but  you doubted it. You ceased your movement and only focused on keeping up.

"Where are we going?" You demanded  with a certain venom in your words that caused even tenma to flinch.

"Atlas was only the beginning. Astro must be tested thoroughly if he is to evolve. There can't be any hope for him to conquer in order for there to truly be the need ro evolve." Tenma explained as though you were a small child that was quite stupid.

"You're insane you know that?" You asked when the two of you reached the top of the staircase.

"Or maybe I'm the sanest of the two of us. Either way I have no time to debate the matter. Its your time to shine." Tenma said with a snap. He released you.

Your arms were still cuffed behind your back, but you hadn't realized quite how much you'd been relying on his hold. You lost your balance and fell to the floor only to look up just in time to come face to face with a robot dog.

With Astro

Atlas fired at Astro several times but Astro's staure made hitting him all  more of a challange. Astro ducked and weaved through the oncoming fire before throwing a punch right into Atlas' jaw. Atlas flew back from the force and hit the wall infront of Zoran.

In fright she screamed and reached for you only to find no one. She hit the floor of the room as the invisible walls crackled with electricity.

"Zoran!" Astro yelled running forward. He punched through the wall, but was rewarded by getting a nasty shock. Despite the pain however, he reached through and grabbed zoran pulling her to safety as the chamber collapsed. The both fell backward onto the ground and Zoran knelt up.

"Big brother (y/n)'s missing!" She announced worriedly. Astro hardly had time to kneel up hinself before tenma's voice filled the room loud and clear.

"Now now Zoran no need to panic Astro. Why she's right here." A hologram of tenma appeared on the surrounding balcony.

You released a blood curdling scream before falling absolutely silent tenma's robotic dog dragging your limp form into view from the shadows. It held the back of your collar in it's jaw.

"Unfortunately, she didn't quite make it."

I love yoh all please dont harm me.

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