Chapter 18 - The Plan

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Even though the house we were staying seemed to be relatively close to the city, Flamel told us that he made it seemed like they were. I've heard of the Fidelous Charm before, and how it works, (mainly in Hogwarts) but I've never been involved with one. According to him, due to the different expirements he had been perfoming, some of them secret and jealousy-inducing, he had no other choice to move to a place where only he could find. Away from Muggles and magical people alike who also persuided alchemy and research. Flora decided to go with him, refusing to stay behind and let him go on his own. So, he and someone else agreed to conceal their location from searching eyes, but still having a view of the symbol of France. 

'Got to make the best of this situation,' he said, turning his eyes to the window with a longing and wonderstruck smile.  

So, we were, in fact, miles upon miles from Paris; to be exact, we were near a cliff in proximity with Dunkerque. So, the only way we could reach Paris was through a Portkey Flamel had prepared for us. 

'What's a Portkey?' asked Jacob.

Flora chuckled at his expression. 'You'll see,' was all she said. I sent Jacob a look that meant that I would explain later, and he sighed in relief with a smile. That smile quickly vanished, however, as he locked eyes with a very troubled and outraged Queenie.

'I want to come with you,' she demanded.

Flora beat us and put both of her hands on her hips. 'No, you are not,' she said with finality, 'you are still weak and the Portkey would only make it slower for you to recover.'

'I'm fine,' said Queenie, putting up a smile that seemed to hurt her in some way.

'No,' interjected Jacob, 'she's right, doll – you need to rest.'


'Hey, don't worry,' he said softly, smiling tenderly at her (I looked down and started playing with the case's handle), 'we will be waiting for you on the other side. Knowing you are getting better here, and that you'll be in your full self when we meet again is something to look forward to.'

I heard Queenie sniff and hold down a sob, and I saw them hugging as I glanced at them for a second before looking away.

Theseus cleared his throat, gaining our attention once more. Satisfied, he clapped his hands together and shot a shared look to all of us. 'Right,' he said, 'so, here's the plan. I will go first, to make extra sure that the location is clear. If it isn't, all I would need is five to ten minutes to make it safe again.'

'You really need that long?' I commented, which earned me a half-brotherly slap on the head from him. I smiled apologetically, but Theseus had already continued to talk.

'After that time, Flamel, you are going to guide these two, ' he pointed at Jacob and me, 'to the Portkey and show them how to use it.'

'Alright,' nodded Flamel.

'When would I be joining?' interjected Queenie.

'I would say, if you behave nicely as a patient, you may be able to travel in a day or two from now,' said Flora from the other side of the room, cutting some leaves from a Venomous Tentacula.

Queenie squealed in joy, clapping her hands together. 'Oh, I cannot wait! These past few weeks have been torturous; but, we will finally meet her, won't we Newt?' she said as she smiled brightly at me. 

I gave a short nod, gulping down my nervousness. My heartbeats were fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird in the hope that the "she" Theseus meant would turn out to be Tina. But, I had to keep reminding myself that it could be someone else; I didn't want the disappointment to feel too heavy if it were the case. Theseus seemed satisfied. 'It's a simple plan now, but I want to ask you to be open to and got up to leave and wait for us in Paris. However, he had turned on his heel and looked back as he reached the door.

'Oh yeah. Newt, here,' he said as he handed me a folded piece of parchment. I looked at him questionably, but all he gave me was a side smirk before closing the door.

Confused, I opened it and read it. Jacob came to stand next to me and asked what it said. Breathing in before speaking, I read:

'In case of emergency – when you see fit to abort your position –, you must not leave Paris under any circumstances. Here's an address where you would be able to find shelter. Don't worry about getting attacked once you arrive; the host has been asked to do so for security reasons but she will go easy, hopefully. Best, A.D.'

And in the bottom, there were two lines that read two different things. One of them, the top one, was clearly from Dumbledore; and the other one, it took me a second but, I noticed that I was Theseus'.

'Les Catacombes, enter through the hidden passage in the café out front. If seen, have a cup of tea and wait until necessary. Use the Bucket – it will get you where you need to be.'

'You will be walking in there one by one. Wait for your time:
N – first
J & Q – seconds (wait for 25 minutes, at least)'

My voice had raised as I read the last sentence, along with a ticklish warmth travel all over my body and my face. What are you playing at, Thes?

'Why so surprised, pal?' snickered Jacob from behind me, clapping my back shoulder with his hand. I stared wide-eyed at his and Queenie's sly smiles and felt the heat from my body gather only in my face.

'I don't even know what to say to her,' I mumbled to no one in particular as I turned my heel to face the window. I heard some muffled giggles in the back and a pair of footsteps make their way next to me. I didn't directly, but Queenie's golden locks are unmistakable.

'Oh honey, that's why we are leaving you some time alone. Who knows how long you would need until you decide to exchange words,' she said as she sent me another mischievous smile. I simply looked away.

'Come on, you will be fine,' said Jacob, sending me an encouraging smile. 'You will know what to say when you see her again.'

I tilted my head as a thank you and remained silent for a bit. I heard Flamel make his way from the armchair to the doorway, but I didn't turn around. My every muscle was vibrating with expectation, anxious and nervous at the same time. It felt like the first time I got my letter from Hogwarts. The excitement of what would happen and who I would meet kept overwhelming every ticking minute, yet sometimes filled with this unhelpful uneasiness that would make me have a dry taste in my mouth sometimes during the day.

But this time was different. The excitement overpowered the uneasiness, which was turned down whenever the image of a smiling Tina would glide into my mind and spiral my insides in a strange yet comforting purr.

A slap on my lower back made me jump out of my skin. I looked down to see Flora, a moment smirking and then showing me the first and only genuine smile she ever shared with me. 'It's time to go, kids,' she said softly, 'so, take care.'

Short. I know. Don't worry - next chapter coming soon (it's juicy ;))

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