Chapter 1 - The Goodbyes

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The rain cried through my ears as we approached the underground's gate. Jacob was out front, his steps heavy, and Queenie followed suit with Tina and I close behind. as Jacob reached the ground, Queenie reached out her hand and stopped him. Jacob turned around, a sad yet strong smile on his face.

'Hey,' he said as he turned towards us, 'This is for the best...Yeah, I was, I was never even supposed to be here.' His voice cracked as he continued, making my heart ache, 'I was never supposed to know... any of this - beat, sniff - Everybody knows Newt only kept me around because...'

I looked up to him expectantly, his face contorted with confusion. 'Hey Newt,' he said, 'why did you keep me around?'

'Because I like you,' said I, making the most of eye contact I've had with him, 'Because you're my friend. And I'll never forget how you helped me, Jacob.'

He looked so touched, tears hugging his eyes. All he could articulate was a shaky 'Oh.'

'I'll come with you,' said Queenie as he approached him. They chuckled together, yet it was a saddening sound. She continued, desperation obvious in her voice, 'We'll go somewhere, we'll go anywhere.' Jacob chuckled again, the pain even more present in his face as he knew it wasn't possible for them. They could've have been more, yet nothing can be done.

Seeing that it was no use, Queenie let her smile slide and her true face come out, 'See, I'm never gonna find anyone like you.'

'There's loads like me,' Jacob said, sighing.

'No, no. There's only one like you,' she said with firm tenderness. And she is right.

I could only see the sadness in Jacob's face as he responded, 'I gotta go.' He turned around and I saw his shoulders shake, sobs escaping him. I felt like a piece of me was breaking as well as his.

'Jacob!' I said as I rushed up to him; I could hear Tina do the same.

'It's okay! it's ok,' he said as he turned around and gave us his last smile - a sad yet grateful one. 'It's okay,' he repeated, 'It's just like waking up, right?'

Having said that, he looked at us for the one last time and slowly stepped out, letting the rain pour down on him. The Sweeping Evil's diluted venom entering his pores erasing his memories of us: our two meetings, the dinner, the tour around my suitcase... all gone.

I saw Queenie raise her wand and step into the rain too yet protected by an umbrella. As I saw my two friends part like that, I couldn't help my tears to drop down my cheeks. I sniffed back a sob, but I didn't care. I was sad. Extremely.

I could feel Tina's warm gaze on the back of my head, but I felt it in all comforting; like a fireplace in a cold house. I put my hand up to wipe my eyes, but halfway Tina's stopped it. I looked at her, I saw the tears falling from her red eyes, and I let my hand drop. Yet, we didn't let go - we intertwined our fingers together... and held tighter.


As we Apparated on the alley next to the block of flats (I think Americans call it apartment building), we quickly entered to take refuge from the rain. No sound came from the housekeeper, Mrs Espacito if I recall, so we went up the stairs and entered the flat quietly.

Suddenly, the place felt foreign. Not that I've been here long enough, yet it felt suddenly emptier and gloomier.

'Would you like a hot drink?' asked Queenie, her voice small and unbearably shattered. I looked from her to Tina and to the floor.

'Queenie...' said Tina, her tone soft like silk. I looked up to see the concern for her sister's distress through her eyes, both shimmering with tears. I looked down again, decided against it, and just chose to look away - around.

'Teenie,' retorted Queenie, 'I need to do something, anything. So, Newt, tea or cocoa?'

I looked up, startled. 'Cocoa would be nice,' I said, 'I-I didn't get a chance to have a taste of it before.'

Queenie showed me what I expect was a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes, 'And you Teenie?'

'Cocoa would be nice, thanks.'

As she went off to make it, the Muggle way, I stole a glance towards Tina. She was already looking at me; we made eye contact, and she had a saddened yet warm smile on her face. I smiled back, and we sat down at the table. As I put my suitcase on the floor, the same old catch flicks open. I bent down to close it but decided against it as Queenie approached the table.

'Thank you,' I said as I looked up to Queenie and take the cup in my hands. She nodded and she handed Tina another one, and sat down with us, also drinking. We sat there, nothing but the aroma of cocoa filling the place and the sound of our breathing. I guess we all tried at least once to come up with something yet found nothing.

Suddenly, the suitcase made a jolt and fell loudly to the ground, opening itself.

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