Chapter Four: Trust and Betrayal, Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Silay..." Riya took a step towards her.

"No! Stay away from me!" Silay stepped backwards, pulling her dagger out and holding it front of her body. "Don't come near me!"

Riya stayed put. "Or you'll what? The way you're holding that weapon, you"ll hurt yourself more than me." She rubbed her eyes, wearily. "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do, Silay. You want to go off on your own again, that’s fine. I could use the money I would have made at the festival. But I did come here to help you."

"After you robbed me!"

"Yes, I took the Farstone. I just wanted to know why you had one. I'd meant to return it before you noticed, but you left before I could. You want proof? I gave it back to you just now. I didn't have to come here, you know."

"I don't trust you." Silay paused. "Why did you come looking for me? Was it just to return the Farstone?"

Riya shook her head, making her braids swing. "I told you, I spoke to the Seer. She said to warn you about Talis. That if he wasn't stopped, he could make things worse." She sighed. "That's all I know. She was worried about you, so I came looking. You have the Stone. Ask her yourself."

Silay hesitated for a moment. Could she trust Riya? She'd stolen from her, but it was true she'd come to find her. And she had saved her. She looked up from the Stone in her fist. "I can't."

Riya tilted her head. "Can't what?"

"I can't use the Farstone. It doesn't work for me."

"Hmm." Riya raised her eyebrows. "After the difficulty I had tracking you, that doesn't entirely surprise me." She moved a couple of steps towards Silay, then stopped. "You haven't exactly been honest with me either, Silay the Bored. But I'm inclined to trust you all the same. In my experience, good guys don't tie people to trees. It's usually the other way around." She unknowingly echoed Silay’s earlier thoughts. 

Riya took a few more steps forwards. Silay flinched, but stayed put. Riya kept talking. "You've been hurt. You're not in a hurry to trust anyone. I get that. But it's not safe to travel alone, and I'm willing to help you. Your choice. You don't want help, just say the word and I'll turn around and head back to the festival."

Silay's arms dropped to her sides. She took several deep breaths as she tried to get her thoughts in order and make a decision. After a moment, she slid the Farstone back into its pouch, and the dagger back in its sheath. She glanced up at Riya. "This doesn't mean I trust you. It just means I trust you more than Talis."

"That's fine, for now." Riya checked the donkey's straps and glanced over her shoulder at Silay. "But maybe you can tell me what this is all about? I did save you after all."

Silay nodded. "I might as well tell you. Talis knows too."

"Good." She gave the donkey a pat, then picked up his lead. "You can fill me in as we walk". 


Silay could almost feel the silence pressing down on her. She and Riya had only traveled for half an hour before it had become clear Silay needed to rest. They had set up camp for the night early, Riya setting her own wards on top of the ones Silay had brought. As an extra precaution, they had taken turns keeping watch. Now, they were up and traveling again.

Since Silay's rescue, Riya had tried to give her space. Silay had filled her in on what little was known about the coming plague, and Riya had only interrupted her narrative when she needed more information about something. But now they had been walking in silence for over an hour, and it was clear to Silay that Riya was waiting for her to initiate any conversation. She still had mixed feelings about Riya, but didn't think she could stand traveling with someone without speaking to them. She sighed inwardly, and broke the silence.

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