"Don't even trip on that, that just means your eating good and it's going in all the right places. Your body is slammin, hell if I had your body, I would be flaunting it on a regular." she boasted

I smiled, "Thanks Lele. That means alot."

She waved me off, "Don't sweat it boo. Ya know I'm your motivational speaker." she smiled sipping on her drink.

"So," she started, "what are you wearing tonight?" she asked putting her cup down.

"Nothing special. Just light denim jeans and a red crop top sweater."

She nodded, "Simple but yet suddle."

"Yeah and I might put-" I stopped once I saw out the corner of my eye a short brown skin man coming up to our table looking over at Lena.

"Lena is that you girl?" the man asked smiling at Lena as she slightly widened her eyes but quickly put on a irritated expression to hide her slight shockness.

"Sean, why are you talking to me? I told you to never speak to me again." she spat at him, "So what your doing now is what the opposite of what I asked you to never do."

"Come on now shorty, you know you miss our conversations and out late night sessions." he said putting emphasis on sessions.

"Now I know you lying cuz I ain't never let you hit, and if I did it probably wouldn't be all that." she commented

"Okay I know I was lyin about that but can you give me another chance." he begged

She rolled her eyes, "Sean-"

"Just please think about it before you make your decision. I have the same number by the way" he said before turing around walking away.

I turned to face Lena to see her watching Sean walk off.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Who was that Lele?"

She looked over at me running her cheek, "He was a old friend of mine." she answered

"How come I never heard of him?"

"He wasn't nothing to hear about," she chuckled awkwardly, "You ready to go girl? It's almost 3:30 and it's gonna take me an hour to get home on the train." she stated before getting up throwing her tray away.

"I'm not gonna sweat you into telling me who Sean is because that's your business and you obviously don't wanna tell me cuz you would of been told be the deal was with both of yall.'' I told her as we walked out the mall walking toward the subway station.

She huffed, "Like I said Red, there aint shit to say about me and  Sean. We just had some what of friendship in the past, not even that. He was just someone to talk to just to talk to, that's all.'' she grumbled putting a strand of hair behind her ear having another irritated look upon her face.

I didn't reply as we walked down the sidewalk and I made sure to keep a look out on our surroundings. Between 34th and Damon through 55th and Galvin, is where the heart of the drugs are being sold and where the druggies hang out on the corner looking for another fix or just looking to gank somebody for it.

When I'm walking home from one of my art classes, I have to take a longer way to get home so I don't have to pass any of them. It's such a inconvenience to the good people that live on these blocks

I can't wait to get out of New York.

We finally made it to the station unbothered for a change.

''Alright, I'll see you later.'' I said to Lena

She looked like she was in deep thought before looking up at me engulfing me in a warm hug. I wrapped by arms around her body smiling a little because she usually isn't this affectionate towards people...even me.

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