The Two Alphas

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    After the Human Peace Treaty, there were two packs still at odds: the MoonClaw and the BloodFang packs. Born to the Alpha of MoonClaw were Kyren and Storm. Storm was the younger and far weaker of the twins, leaving Kyren the next in line to be Alpha. At that same point of time, the Alpha from BloodFang pack also had an heir whom they named Shade. Shade and Kyren were both loved and treasured in their packs, leaving only one goal to be trained into them: for one to kill the other. 

    Kyren grew up having fist fights and being overly protective of his sickly twin Storm, never letting the younger out of his sight. After the Human Peace Treaty, all Wolf-bloods had the ability to shift human, and the new generation were born human before shifting for the first time at the age of four. Kyren went to the pack's school, always being thought of as important. Kyren also had a lot of girls wanting to be his mate when Storm became home schooled and Kyren went to the high school.  His messy black hair, amber eyes and ivory skin made him very popular at school. However, at the age of seventeen just a few weeks before graduation, Kyren was kept home from school in order to study and prefect his plan to kill the BloodFang pack's heir. 

    Shade also was born human, growing up home-schooled and being transferred to high school in nineth grade. He was often seen as the observant, quiet and mysterious type. He was liked, but he kept his distance from people for the most part, especially the girls that wanted to claim him as theirs. He began planning how to kill the MoonClaw pack's heir at seventeen, finishing on his eighteenth birthday. Later that night his parents Alpha Fakir and Luna Catherine began trying to find his mate. He rejected every girl that they brought forward to him, knowing that when it was time to find his mate then he would. A year passed and on the night before Shade's nineteenth  birthday, he decided to go on a solo hunting mission to clear his mind before the scheduled attack. 

    The same night Shade went hunting, Kyren snuck out to do some final scouting. Both boys headed to the Border Line Hunting Grounds that separated the two packs, each unknown to the other, and each ready to go for the kill. 

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