New Beginning

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Third Person

 It was a relatively calm night for the Jung Family. Mrs. Jung and her youngest son,seungmin(8),  were downstairs, watching some kids shows that seungmin liked. The oldest, Hoseok(10), was up in his room studying for a test he was supposed to take the next day. Mr. Jung was not yet home, but for Mr. Jung, that was nothing new. It was a common occurrence for him to came home at late hours, smelling of alcohol. It was an ordinary night for the Jung Family.

   Mrs. Jung and seungmin were startled from their TV show when the front door banged open. Mr. Jung was home much earlier then usual and he was pissed. He didn't even acknowledge his son and wife, who were staring at him as if he had just grown horns. He just continued mumbling to himself and stomped into the kitchen. Mrs. Jung took seungmin into her arms and covered his ears as subtly as she could manage, trying not to further upset her raging husband.

  "Honey, is something the matter?" Mrs Jung asked, forcing as much calm into her voice as she could. Mr. Jung's head snapped towards her, finally realizing their presence. He smiled with a somewhat empty look in his eyes. "He fired me." he said drunkenly, with a slightly unhinged laugh at the end. He had been brusquely walking around the kitchen rummaging through the drawers, but now he had stopped and was pulling something out. Mrs. Jung couldn't make out what it was. Her husband seemed to be getting angrier and angrier as the time went by and she could feel seungmin's frightened tears soaking into her blouse. "That fucking bastard. I've kissed his ass for years, and he just up and fires me for no stronger explanation than 'we're going in another direction'." His hysterical laughter picks up again, louder this time. Loud enough for Hoseok to hear from his room upstairs.

   Hoseok quietly leaves his room towards the living room, his fathers angry voice scares him into hiding in the hallway instead of revealing his presence. " Honey, please, just calm down, it'll be okay, we'll figure it out." Mr. Jung glares her angrily, pointing the gun he had gotten from the drawer at her. "SHUT UP, BITCH!!". Tears had began streaming down her face, when she finally realized what it was he was holding, seungmin's silent tears had turned into loud screaming tears upon seeing the weapon and hearing his father's  raised tone. "Shut that fucking kid up, too" He growled angrily. 

 Hoseok had quietly hurried back to his room and called the police as son as he saw his father waving around the gun, then he had hidden in the closet. He wanted to help his mom and brother more but he was only ten, he was afraid and frozen up, and didn't know of anything he could do to make a difference. Hoseok had been hugging his knees to his chest and hiding in his closet when he heard a loud bang resonating throughout the house, shortly followed by another. Hoseok tightly shut his eyes and hoped beyond hope that the sound wasn't what he thought it was. Less than a minute later, he saw the flashing blue and red lights of police cars.

Hoseok didn't want to face whatever truth was waiting for him outside. The shock, and fear had finally gotten began to weigh down on him, along with the dread of what the future held instore for him. He blacked out.


Hoseok woke up feeling shaky and disoriented. The room he was in was completely white and a woman in a police uniform was sitting, reading a book, at his bedside. Looking around he realized that he was in a hospital. It took him a moment to remember the event that had lead up to him being there, and once he did he felt the same feeling of dread that had been there before he had passed out, sink back down into his stomach. "Where are they? What happened to them?" Hoseok asked the woman, his voice came out scratchy and raw from disuse. The woman looked up, surprised to find him awake, but the sympathy in her eyes told Hoseok that he wasn't going to like the answer to his question.

"They're gone aren't they?" Hoseok asked quietly. The police woman nodded, "We drove as fast as we could, but by the time we got there, your father and mother were already gone,  I'm sorry. We called your God parents and their on there was here to get you." Hoseok took in the information but remained silent, The officer sighed."I know you're angry and upset right now, but it will go away." The officer enveloped Hoseok into a tight hug "It may not seem like it right now, but you are going to be okay." Hoseok felt his first tears spring to his eyes since it had happened. There was a knock on the door, and the doctor walked in with a beautiful woman, a tall, clean shaven man, and a boy that appeared to be a similar age to hoseok with a bunny toothed smile. The woman walked forward and smiled politely " Hello Hoseok, My name is Jeon Mina, this is my husband Jeon Myungjun, and this is my son, Jeon Jungkook. I'm your godmother. your mother and I had promised back in college that we would be there to take care of the other's children if anything were to happen to us, you look just like her."

Hoseok didn't know what to say, so he opted to not say anything. Mina coughs after getting no response, "so Hoseok, are you ready to go to your new home?" Hoseok gulped and got up, following his new family towards an uncertain future. 

A/N: Hello, this is my first fan fiction and I'm not real sure how this is gonna go for me. I suck at beginning stories, so hopefully it will get better.  Constructive criticism is welcome, but please don't get hateful with it. Also, if you didn't know, this is a vhope book. May have side ships but I haven't decided yet. If you stumble upon this book and want side ships then comment which ones you want. bye. 

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